Support » Plugin: Forms for Mailchimp by Optin Cat - Grow Your MailChimp List » Subscribers not being added to list of Subscribers in plugin

  • Resolved jcimb


    I subscribe to the form at bottom of home page. Email address is added to mailchimp, but I never see the email address in the list of subscribers in the plugin.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter jcimb


    Also, the ‘List to subscribe to’ setting won’t let me enter the list name that is in MailChimp. It has some other list name in there that I don’t have in MailChimp.
    But the API must be working because the email address does get added to MailChimp.
    I get an email titled ‘Thank you for subscribing’ and the body says “Email address [email protected]
    is not subscribed to the mailing list.”

    Plugin Author fatcatapps


    Hello there

    Sorry we were unable to get back to you sooner.

    I took a look at your page, and saw you no longer had Optin Cat running.

    Let us know if you would still like us to assist in troubleshooting this issue, to see if we can get you setup with Optin Cat Instead.

    Hope to hear back. If we don’t hear back from you in a short while, we’ll go ahead and close this thread, since you’ve found an alternative.


    Thread Starter jcimb


    Yes, we still have optin cat installed and activated.

    Plugin Support gavinohanlon


    Hi Jcimb,

    I apologize for the radio silence on this thread.

    Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

    All the best.

    Plugin Support gavinohanlon


    Hi Jcimb,

    I am going to mark this as “resolved” but if you have any more issues, feel free to reach out to us again.

    All the best.

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