2023 NSE Educational Workshop

Fundamentals of Neutron Spin Echo (NSE) Spectroscopy for Biology and Soft Matter Workshop 2023

SEPTEMBER 19-21, 2023

An educational workshop on the fundamentals of NSE spectroscopy applied to soft matter and biology will prepare the scientists to use NSE techniques. The basics of static and quasi-elastic neutron scattering, NSE instrumentation, and NSE experimental design and data analysis will be covered. In addition, students will select from three interest group sessions on polymers, proteins, or lipid membranes. The workshop will ready participants to use the new, upgraded NSE in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) to benefit their research. For more information, CLICK HERE.



A world-class Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer for the Nation: UD-NIST -UMD Consortium NSF Proposal 1935956

This award from the Midscale Research Instrumentation -1 program supports the acquisition, implementation and commissioning of a world-class neutron spin echo spectrometer for the nation. The University of Delaware’s Center for Neutron Science working together with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Center for Neutron Research and the University of Maryland are creating a world-class neutron spin echo spectrometer to strengthen U.S. research infrastructure with substantial benefit to the soft matter, biological sciences, and engineering research communities. (continue reading…)


University of Delaware researchers mixed simulated lunar and Martian soils with a high-pH solution to create geopolymer bricks, then crushed the bricks to see how strong they were. The experiments are helping them work on ways for astronauts to create building materials in space.

UD Prof. Norm Wagner and colleagues explore ways to create building materials on the moon, Mars

AUGUST 9, 2022

Sustained space exploration will require infrastructure that doesn’t currently exist: buildings, housing, rocket landing pads. So, where do you turn for construction materials when they are too big to fit in your carry-on and there’s no Home Depot in outer space?

Read full article.


Fundamentals of Neutron Spin Echo (NSE) Spectroscopy for Biology and Soft Matter Workshop

OCTOBER 27-29, 2021

An educational workshop on fundamentals of NSE spectroscopy applied to soft matter and biology, will prepare the scientists for the use of NSE techniques. The basics of static and quasi-elastic neutron scattering, NSE instrumentation and NSE experimental design and data analysis will be covered. In addition, students will select from three interest group sessions on polymers, proteins or lipid membranes. The workshop will prepare participants to use the new, upgraded NSE in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) to benefit their research. For more information, CLICK HERE.

Langmuir Student Poster Award

Congratulations to Roisin Donnelly, Biomedical Engineering Graduate student, on receiving the Langmuir student poster award at the 2021 ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium for her poster entitled: Exploring the relationship between temperature activated hydrogen-deuterium exchange and protein stability with SANS