Malicious links and software

We do our best to make VK as secure as possible. However, for the most part, users are responsible for protecting their personal data.

One way that’s commonly used to steal data is phishing. This is data theft through a fake login page on a website that copies the VK interface and has a similar URL.

Make sure the browser address bar says "" or "" on the page where you enter your data. Some malicious websites can steal your login credentials even if you simply follow a link. We try to block these link redirects as quickly as possible.

Some communities might distribute malware. They often ask for personal data, claiming they’ll give you access to features that VK doesn’t actually have. These include the ability to view other people’s private photos or your profile’s visitors, to download music or to get limitless gifts or free votes. Creating such communities is prohibited on VK. If you come across one, report it and we’ll look into it right away.

Information on how to protect your data
Community on VK security
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Try using other keywords, e.g.: "delete profile", "create chat".
Check your request for misprints.