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Глобальная статистика Рейтинг@mail.ruslice:

Time spent

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Terms used
Time per page view
Total sessions duration for a user for the selected period. Note that if a had several sessions then time between sessions is not included.
Number of unique visitors for the selected period. Visitor is a unique "Cookie", which is assigned to every user. If a user disabled cookies in the browsers a visit will not be counted.
Page views
The number of times a page was viewed.
Page depth
Total page views per visitor for the selected period.

Session is a sequence of one visitor page views. If there was more than a predetermined time between views (session timeout) these views are belong to different sessions. Session timeout is configured in thin settings and defaults to 30 minutes. Session timeout in the current report - 30 minutes.

Page views per session — the number of one visitor page views during one session.

Session duration — the time difference between first and last views of one visitor during the session.

Time spent — the total duration one visitor sessions during the selected period. Attention, if the visitor had several sessions, the time between sessions is not included.