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SESA: Exploring the Future of Space and Space Education

By Robbie Gould, Edge Contributor

Space. The Cosmos. The Final Frontier (as our favorite Starfleet captain so boldly calls it) – with its shimmering stars, distant planets and infinite mysteries – has always held a profound fascination for humanity. From the earliest civilizations that charted the heavens to the modern era of space exploration, the allure of space has been an enduring thread in the tapestry of human history.

This timeless fascination converged with cutting-edge knowledge and visionary thinking at the third annual Space Education & Strategic Applications (SESA) Conference held in September 2023. The virtual event is co-organized by American Public University System (APUS) and the Policy Studies Organization (PSO).

The SESA Conference serves as a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and charting the course for the future of space exploration, education, and utilization.

With an impressive lineup of almost 40 presenters spanning two days, this assembly of brilliant minds aimed to channel our shared sense of wonder and curiosity. Their goal extended beyond cosmic exploration – it also encompassed the examination and investigation of the most recent advancements in space education and its implementation across the industry.

The theme of the conference this year was “From SkyLab to Gateway” and it centered around NASA’s SkyLab space station (America’s first space station, launched in 1974) and its contribution towards the evolution of space stations and the Gateway project that will be launched in November 2024 under the Artemis program. Gateway will become the first space station to orbit the moon and a critical component for developing technology and capabilities to support NASA’s deep space exploration plans, including the exploration of Mars in the coming years.

Highlights from the 2023 SESA Conference Keynote Speakers

Watch Highlights from the Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Robert Zubrin – The President of the Mars Society spoke about how the current revolution in spaceflight will open the future to limitless possibilities, including the colonizing of the first Marians, mining rare elements from asteroids and how fusion could be possible to achieve this decade.

Sean Fuller – International Partner Manager for NASA’s Gateway Program discussed the prospects of taking humanity beyond lower Earth orbit with humanity’s first space station in lunar orbit!

Dr. JD Polk – The Chief Health and Medical Officer for NASA presented at the conference as well – he talked about the fascinating medical aspects of spaceflight and the historic innovations that are underway that will help advance the spaceflight revolution, from commercial spaceflight to the next Artemis mission.

Dr. Arnauld Nicogossian – NASA’s former associate administrator for life and microgravity sciences, designated agency health and safety official, chief medical officer and senior advisor for health affairs shared his thoughts on the legacy of SkyLab and how it has contributed to our current understanding of maintaining life in space.

APU and AMU Student Highlights

Several AMU and APU Space Studies students shared the remarkable and wildly interesting projects they have been working on, including:

  • Steven Demers’ research into where water may be on Mars, based on geographical locating techniques we use on Earth.
  • Anthony DiBernado’s deep dive into the role that science communication has and will have in space exploration.
  • Laura Reiske’s discussion on the effects of time-delayed communications on the crew-mission support relationship.
  • Sarah Guthries’ research into evaluating extravehicular activity (EVA) contingency device-suit- interface and methodologies for lunar surface activities.
  • Alex Lojek’s investigation into assessing stress for astronauts in analog environments.

Watch Highlights from Student Presentations:

Space Education: Preparing the Next Generation

One of the key highlights of the conference was its emphasis on space education. Recognizing the critical role of education in nurturing the next generation of space scientists, engineers and innovators, SESA presenters discussed various strategies and programs aimed at inspiring and educating students of all ages about space, including parabolic training (aeronauts), underwater training (aquanauts) and underground training (lavanauts).

Outreach Initiatives

Many presenters, such as APUS’ own Analog Research Group (AARG), emphasized the importance of outreach initiatives to bring space education to underserved communities and foster diversity in STEM fields. Speakers shared successful outreach programs that have made a significant impact on inspiring young minds.

Strategic Applications of Space Technology  

Strategic applications of space technology encompass a wide range of uses that leverage space-based assets, technology and capabilities for critical purposes on Earth and beyond. This is one of the space community’s most important goals. SESA presenters highlighted several innovations, methodologies and discoveries that are not only helping to bolster their missions in space, but also, life here on Earth.

Earth Observation and Climate Monitoring

Some speakers discussed how satellite technology can be leveraged for real-time Earth observation and climate monitoring. The data collected from space is invaluable for understanding climate change, disaster management and resource conservation. This also included a fascinating discussion exploring the functionality and emerging threats of GPS technology in warfare.

Space Medicine and Health

As space tourism gains momentum and long-duration space missions become more prevalent, the conference underscored the strides made in space medicine and health. The discussions encompassed challenges associated with prolonged space travel, telemedicine, and the promising potential of space- based pharmaceutical research.

Space for Sustainable Development

Space technology is playing a vital role in achieving sustainable development goals on Earth. The push to innovate and progress eventually rubs off on the public sector (thanks, Velcro!).

Participants explored how satellites are assisting in agriculture, urban planning and disaster resilience, making space technology an integral part of our daily lives.

International Collaboration and Future Prospects

The conference also emphasized the importance of international collaboration in space endeavors. Speakers from various countries discussed collaborative projects and shared their visions for the future of space exploration. This included a riveting recap of the peculiar exchanges between America and Russia during the Space Race (go ahead and Google “USA docking Soyuz” – who knew spaceships were considered to have male and female “components?”).

Lunar and Martian Missions

Those who attended the conference got a glimpse of upcoming lunar and Martian missions, with discussions on the potential need for international cooperation in establishing a permanent human presence on these neighboring celestial bodies.

Space Economy

This was a hot topic, undoubtedly. Several speakers explored the growing space economy, including commercial spaceflight, asteroid mining, and space tourism. The conference

recognized the potential for economic growth and job creation in the space sector, and many acknowledged SpaceX’s pivotal role in driving down the cost of spaceflight, acting as a significant catalyst for these developments.

Space Policy and Regulation

The need for coherent space policies and regulations on a global scale was a recurring theme. Experts stressed the importance of establishing a framework to ensure the responsible and sustainable use of space resources.

Want More of the SESA Conference?

Intrigued by the SESA Conference and hungry for more insights? We’ve only scratched the surface of the captivating discussions and revelations from this event.

To stay updated on all things SESA, including in-depth coverage and detailed analysis, stay tuned to our YouTube channel.

In the days and weeks ahead, we’ll be rolling out a wealth of SESA Conference content that will provide you with a deeper understanding of the future of space education and strategic applications. We invite you to accompany us on an expedition into the frontiers of knowledge and discovery!

The University offers an Bachelor’s degree in Space Studies with concentrations in aerospace science, astronomy, space policy, Earth science and space entrepreneurship – and a Master’s degree in Space Studies with concentrations in aerospace science, astronomy and space policy.

Robbie Gould is a senior copywriter and contributor for the University. He researches and writes on a variety of topics and is passionate about storytelling, learning, all things science and empowering the next generation of students.

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