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6 AM ET: Writers’ strike deal, US-Mexico border deal, unlocking universe secrets & more
CNN 5 Things
Sep 25, 2023

Hollywood writers and studios have reached a tentative deal that could end the strike. Canadian autoworkers’ union members have ratified their agreement with Ford – we’ll tell you how that could impact the US auto union workers on strike now. The US and Mexico are working together to address the latest rise of migrant crossings at the border. Lawmakers have until Saturday to pass a funding bill and avoid a government shutdown. Plus, NASA collected an asteroid sample that gives scientists the opportunity to learn more about the origins of the solar system.

Episode Transcript
Krista Bo (host)
Hello from CNN. I'm Krista Boo with the five things you need to know for Monday, September 25th.
Krista Bo (host)
Hollywood Studios and the Writers Guild of America have reached a tentative agreement that could potentially end the monthslong strike. This comes after what the Guild called marathon negotiating sessions. But the terms of the deal haven't been made official yet. The agreement will still need to be ratified by all the union members, with the WGA saying the deal is, quote, "exceptional," and includes "meaningful gains and protections for writers in every sector of the membership." But this tentative deal doesn't end the strike quite yet, although the guild says it has now suspended picketing. The strike has had a huge financial impact, with economists saying that combined with the Hollywood actors strike, there's been a nationwide hit of more than $5 billion.
Krista Bo (host)
In other strike news, members of the Canadian Auto Workers Union, Unifor, have ratified a tentative three year agreement with Ford on Sunday. It comes after the union reached an 11th hour agreement with the manufacturer to avoid a strike last week. The terms of this deal could have an impact on the United Auto Workers union negotiations happening in the US against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. For example, the Canadian Union won some key demands that Ford and other automakers haven't agreed to yet with the UAW, like a return of a pension plan for members. CNN's Vanessa Yurkevich has more on where the UAW negotiations stand.
Vanessa Yurkevich (correspondent)
We know that Ford has put a new proposal on the table that the UAW likes or likes better than the previous proposals because they're not targeting them in these new rounds of strikes. We don't know what they have offered on wages, and we know that both sides, the union and Ford, have said that there's still a gap there on some of those economic issues. But unlike General Motors and Stellantis, Ford is now offering cost of living adjustments, which many of the workers gave up in 2009.
Krista Bo (host)
President Joe Biden is set to walk the picket line in Michigan with UAW members on Tuesday after he's been facing political pressure to ramp up his public support for union members.
Krista Bo (host)
Southern border towns like El Paso, Texas, say they're nearing a breaking point where some thousands of migrants are crossing the border.
El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser
The city of El Paso only has so many resources. We're preparing for the unknown.
Krista Bo (host)
El Paso's mayor is expressing his concerns as Mexico made a deal with the US to deport migrants in its border cities back to their home countries while implementing measures to deter more from coming. It's all part of a joint effort to address the recent rise in US Mexico border crossings. Although US officials have no clear explanation for what exactly could be fueling this latest spike, nonprofits and local officials on both sides of the US-Mexico border say the recent rise could be driven by misinformation and an increase in kidnapings in Mexico, among other things.
Krista Bo (host)
Time is running out for lawmakers to avert a government shutdown, which seems more likely to happen than not these days. Lawmakers have until Saturday to pass a bill that would fund the government. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said over the weekend that he still lacks support to pass a short term bill that includes funds for border security – a version the Senate won't go for. But he insists there's still time. Over the weekend, President Biden called on House Republicans to do their jobs.
US President Joe Biden
Funding the government among those basic responsibilities of Congress.
Krista Bo (host)
NASA's scientists could be closer to unlocking more secrets to our universe. That's next.
Krista Bo (host)
We may soon know more about the origins of the universe after an asteroid sample touched down on Earth and NASA's spacecraft traveled 3.86 billion miles round trip to collect the sample from a massive space rock called Bennu and bring it safely back to Earth in a capsule. CNN's Kristin Fisher has more on what happens now that scientists have collected it from where it landed in the Utah desert.
Kristin Fisher (correspondent)
Inside that capsule is about half a pound worth of rocks, dust from the asteroid itself. And this is really the first time that NASA has ever done anything like this. From there, they moved it to a clean room, and from there they're going to be transporting it to the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, where they will open up the capsule for the public to see. And it's also where scientists are going to be spending the next few years studying what is inside.
Krista Bo (host)
All right. That's all for now. I'm Krista Bo, and our next episode drops at 9 am eastern – 'till next time.