What is my role?

If you live or work in a community with levees, there’s a role for you.  First, know your risk.  No matter how strong or well maintained a levee is, there is always risk.  Second, take action to reduce your risk.  Have an evacuation plan.  Pay attention to flood watches and warnings. Purchase flood insurance, whether it is required or not.  And support your community’s efforts to reduce the risks.

Flood Risk Management

The USACE Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) works across the agency to focus the policies, programs and expertise of USACE toward reducing overall flood risk. This includes the appropriate use and resiliency of structures such as levees and floodwalls, as well as promoting alternatives when other approaches (e.g., land acquisition, flood proofing, etc.) reduce the risk of loss of life, reduce long-term economic damages to the public and private sector, and improve the natural environment.

Flood Insurance

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) provides insurance to help reduce the socio-economic impact of floods. The NFIP is managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.  For more information on the NFIP, visit the FEMA website.

Levee Safety Program

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) established the Levee Safety Program in 2006 to work alongside levee sponsors and communities with levees within the USACE Levee Safety Program to better understand, prioritize, and manage the flood risks associated with levees. Levee systems are part of our nation’s landscape and important to communities because of the benefits they provide. For example, more than ten million people live or work behind these levees nationwide. And, public and private property worth more than one trillion dollars are behind these levees. Over 700 miles of levees are within the St. Louis District alone, which benefit over 200,000 people and  $24 Billion in property value.

Its important to recognize that while these levee systems reduce flood risk to people, businesses, critical infrastructure and the environment, they don’t eliminate flooding. Additionally, levee conditions, storm/flood intensity and frequency, and populations around these levees change. So, working together to continuously assess, manage and communicate flood risks to residents and businesses is our priority because, more than anything, life safety is paramount.

Our partners play an important role in levee safety because we all must work together, sharing responsibility, to solve and manage flood risk management challenges. Ultimately, individuals who know what to do before a flood or storm happens can make our communities safer places to live and work.

Risk Communication

Risk communication is the open exchange of information between risk assessors, decision makers, and those who are affected by the risks and risk management measures. A key component of USACE's levee safety program is working with local sponsors and community leaders to communicate flood risks with those who rely upon levee infrastructure. The St. Louis District has collaborated with several levee sponsors to enhance the public's understanding of the role levees play our local communities. This partnership has resulted in development of a variety of products that aim to broaden the understanding of the levee benefits and risk and empower individuals to take actions to manage their own risks.

National Levee Database

The National Levee Database (NLD), developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), is the focal point for comprehensive information about our nation's levees. The database contains information to facilitate and link activities, such as flood risk communication, levee system evaluation for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), levee system inspections, flood plain management, and risk assessments. The NLD continues to be a dynamic database with ongoing efforts to add levee data from federal agencies, states, and tribes.

Contact Us

Levee Safety Program Manager
(314) 331-8425
Chief, Readiness Branch
(314) 331-8569
Emergency Management
(314) 331-8605
Flood Risk Program Manager
(314) 331-8300
Natural Disaster Program Manager
(314) 331-8570
Regulatory Branch
(314) 331-8575