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"As president, I will establish a Department of the Attention Economy that will work with tech companies and implement regulations that curb the negative effects of smartphones and social media," writes Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang cnn.it/37yEmL8
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President Trump's tax records show he's pursued expansive business projects in China for years and even maintains a Chinese bank account, NYT reports, disclosures that deal a blow to the President's efforts to paint Joe Biden as the one who's soft on China cnn.it/3o9OmTB
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Payless, a brand known for budget-friendly shoes, opened a fake pop-up store called "Palessi" in a Los Angeles mall and invited people to the grand opening. The store was stocked with Payless shoes in disguise. One shopper spent $640 for a pair of boots. cnn.it/2E3ObFp
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Tom Brady is launching an NFT platform called Autograph that will bring together some of the biggest names in sports, entertainment, fashion and pop culture to work with creators to develop unique digital collectibles, a representative for Brady says cnn.it/3wyjikA
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Facebook has allowed political advertisers to target hundreds of misleading ads about Joe Biden and the USPS to swing-state voters in recent weeks, in an apparent failure to enforce its own platform rules less than two months before Election Day cnn.it/3hYFHPF
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Two years ago, Target said it would raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour by the end of 2020. But some store workers say the wage increases aren't helping because their hours are falling, making it hard to keep their health insurance or pay their bills. cnn.it/2oGblf2
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Disney and Impossible Foods, which makes plant-based meat designed to look and taste like the real thing, have struck a deal that makes Impossible the "preferred" plant-based burger of Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort and Disney Cruise Line. cnn.it/2T13pS5
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Sen. Bernie Sanders' plan to legalize marijuana would ban tobacco companies from getting into the business, while creating a $20 billion grant program — using tax revenue from marijuana sales — to provide new capital to minority entrepreneurs cnn.it/345da4k
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Fox News, whose top personalities have for months assailed the concept of vaccine passports and argued that asking about vaccine status amounts to a major intrusion of privacy, has told employees they must disclose their vaccination status to the company. cnn.it/2UtthcD
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"We have made great strides already, but now we must organize to shape this company into a place we can all be proud of." A Walmart corporate worker urged co-workers to stage a sick-out that he hopes will persuade the company to stop selling guns. cnn.it/2yHNehz
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From their respective pandemic lockdowns, the three brothers became captive audiences to President Trump's coronavirus press conferences and started a blog. Opinion and aggregation soon turned into the rapid production of political videos. cnn.it/39ttwr9
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South Korea's government used hundreds of drones for a spectacular display to thank frontline workers and encourage wearing masks and social distancing. The show was a surprise — officials didn't advertise it ahead of time in order to avoid large crowds. cnn.it/2Cn0Fbx
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JUST IN: Another 5.2 million workers filed for their first week of unemployment benefits last week, according to the US Department of Labor, bringing the total number of Americans who have filed initial jobless claims to around 22 million since March 14. cnn.it/2VeBkYg
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JUST IN: For the fifth week in a row, millions of American workers applied for unemployment benefits. First-time claims for unemployment benefits totaled 4.4 million the week ending April 18, after factoring in seasonal adjustments, US Dept. of Labor says. cnn.it/2KrgUFp
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Twitter has announced that it had shut down more than 170,000 accounts tied to the Chinese government. Experts working with Twitter who reviewed the accounts said they pushed deceptive narratives around the Hong Kong protests, Covid-19, and other topics. cnn.it/30KZk8V
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"I would call it, 'forcibly imprisoning people in their homes' against all their Constitutional rights, in my opinion, and breaking people's freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong and not why people came to America or built this country," Musk said cnn.it/3cXsMLF
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Besides bitcoin, there are plenty of other alternatives in crypto — more than 10,000 of them, according to research site CoinMarketCap. Many of these "altcoins" have legitimate niche use cases for specific industries. cnn.it/3pYJS3x
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Nike has released an all-black jersey to commemorate the four years since former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem to peacefully protest against systemic racism and social injustice
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In December 2008, Republican President George W. Bush approved a $17.4 billion rescue of GM and Chrysler because he didn't want the auto industry to collapse before Barack Obama was sworn in. "I feel an obligation to my successor," Bush said at the time. cnn.it/2GYoWaC
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The Dow plunged 602 points, or 2.3%. The S&P 500 declined 2%. Nasdaq lost 2.8%. US oil prices closed below $60 a barrel for the first time since February. Crude has declined 11 days in a row, the longest slump since futures trading began in March 1983. cnn.it/2DCKxlZ