Contact Information

If you have any questions about Section 408 within Baltimore District, please contact the following:


Email: [email protected]


Section 408 Checklist

If your project needs a Section 408 review, please fill out the following checklist and send to the Section 408 coordinator via the instructions in the checklist.

Section 408 request checklist

Regulatory & Section 408

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) serves the public by providing the Nation with quality and responsive management of the Nation’s water resources. As a result, USACE, in partnership with stakeholders, has constructed many Civil Works projects across the Nation’s landscape, such as levees, dams and widening harbors for navigation. Given the widespread locations of these projects, many embedded within communities, over time there may be a need for others outside of USACE to alter or occupy these projects and their associated lands. Reasons for alterations could include projects to increase recreational opportunities or improve flood risk management. Section 408 also applies if a business or utility company seeks to run power lines or pipelines over or through a USACE project.

Section 408 provides that USACE may grant permission for another party to alter a Civil Works project upon a determination that the alteration proposed will not be injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness or purpose of the Civil Works project.


To apply for a Section 408 permission, please submit the following information required by USACE to process Section 408 requests by downloading the Section 408 request checklist (click to open). Review of this information is necessary to obtain permission from USACE to temporarily or permanently alter any USACE Civil Works project.  Please note that this checklist does not serve as an application for a Section 10 and/or Section 404 permit. See applicable tabs under Apply for a Permit on the Regulatory homepage.


USACE Section 408 External Listening Session Series
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites you to attend one or all of the listening sessions below to discuss and garner feedback on our Section 408 process. Your input will help us shape future improvements to the program. Feedback is particularly useful from those who have gone through or are currently going through the Section 408 approval process, so we can determine what is working and what is not. Sessions will include questions that focus on identifying best practices, challenges, and opportunities to improve consistency. This is an open forum and two-way dialogue is encouraged. For more information click here or go to the Section 408 webpage at

The Section 408 Process

Baltimore District Boundary Map

Click on the picture to view larger. 

Not within the shaded red, green or orange areas? Contact your respective district (found in grey lettering) you fall into below: