A cartoonish spy in a black hat and one in a white hat, looking at each other from opposite sides of the frame.

Editors’ Picks

Confessions of a Journalist Turned Weed Smuggler

John Koopman | Rolling Stone | September 21, 2023 | 2,952 words

“A veteran reporter looks back on when he was laid off from his newspaper gig and instead of taking a dead-end desk job turned to running van loads of marijuana…

Confessions of a Viral AI Writer

Vauhini Vara | Wired | September 21, 2023 | 4,646 words

“Despite my success with AI-generated stories, I’m not sure they are good for writers—or writing itself.”

The Killing of Richard Oakes

Jason Fagone and Julie Johnson | San Francisco Chronicle | September 19, 2023 | 9,717 words

“Oakes had sparked an iconic 1960s protest, the occupation of Alcatraz Island.”

Meeting Mumbai Again After a Life-Changing Loss

Shruti Swamy | AFAR | September 19, 2023 | 2,173 words

“Moment by moment, this city will teach me to stay awake to the present, to pay attention, to follow the thread of human connection, to take pleasure where it’s found.”…

“Florida Man,” Explained

Kristen Arnett | Vox | September 18, 2023 | 1,634 words

“When I consider Florida Man and its position in the larger social construct of the world, I begin to wonder about my responsibilities to this place and to the narrative…

Man Called Fran

John Jeremiah Sullivan | Harper’s Magazine | August 14, 2023 | 3,700 words

“Plumbing, the depths.”

The Kids on the Night Shift

Hannah Dreier | The New York Times Magazine | September 18, 2023 | 7,705 words

“Marcos . . . . is one of thousands of migrant children living far from their parents and working dangerous jobs.”


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Essays and Features

Unknown Costs

Forty-three million Americans need substance addiction treatment, but only a tiny fraction receive it. We know why.

Who’s Afraid of Lorne Michaels?

Very rarely can we see an entire system reflected in one person. The creator and executive producer of “Saturday Night Live” is such a person.

Taken and Told

A filmmaker was producing a documentary series on the Iran hostage crisis. Then her father went missing overseas.

Ron’s Place

A man’s death revealed his secret masterpiece—his rented home, illegally transformed into a classical villa. What happened next questions how we define art.


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Reading Lists


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Our year-end collection

All the top #longreads of 2022, selected by our editors, featured authors, and readers.