The CIGIE Leading Inspiring and Fostering Talent Network (LIFT) brings professionals in the oversight community—of all levels and functions—together to learn about topics that are important to the early-to-mid career-level professionals in Federal oversight. 


About LIFT

Vision | The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) Leading, Inspiring, and Fostering Talent (LIFT) Network aspires to develop leaders and a sense of fellowship among early-to-mid career-level professionals in the Federal oversight community.

Mission | The mission of the CIGIE LIFT Network is to inspire, educate, and empower our members by facilitating networking opportunities, providing resources to grow and enhance skills, and helping them navigate their careers in federal oversight.

The LIFT Team

LIFT Leadership

Executive Officers

Chair: Mona Mann (NASA OIG)

Vice Chair:  Tiara Grotte (PBGC OIG)

Secretary: Natali Dethomas (PBGC OIG)

Committee Directors

Communications: Molly Cox (Commerce OIG) and Ann Hart (HHS OIG)

Events: Kelly McGovern (USDA OIG) and Derek Gainsboro (NASA OIG)

Operations:  Jennifer Antonetti (DIA OIG) and Jessica Kim (PBGC OIG)

Regional Operations:  Eric Hermosillo (USDA OIG) and Pamela Van Dort (HUD OIG)​ 

Events Information

Upcoming Events

CIGIE LIFT and CIGIE Training Institute Presents: CIGIE 101
April 4, 2023 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT

This event will cover both basic introductory information appropriate for new members of the IG community and more in-depth context that is relevant to experienced members of the oversight community who have heard of CIGIE but want to learn more about its history and inner workings. Attendees will receive 1 Government CPE certification following the event. You must be registered to receive credit. Please register HERE.

Coming S​oon

  • LIFT Virtual Event - CIGIE 101 (History and Structure)
  • Connecting UpLIFTING Professionals (CUP) Event

Connecting UpLIFTING Professionals (CUP) Events 

Information about LIFT’s next event in our new Connecting Uplifting Professionals (CUP) event series is coming soon.  CUP events are designed to be smaller, informal, and focused on networking/discussions among early-to-mid career-level OIG personnel.  The series features peer group speakers and panelists.  We look forward to seeing you come LIFT your CUP with other oversight professionals soon!   

Lift Cup Series








Past Events

LIFTing the OIG Community

On September 27, 2022, LIFT brought together the panelists, Natalie Dethomas, Auditor (PBGC OIG), Derek Gainsboro, Management Analyst (NASA OIG), LaToya George, Office of Audits Director (TIGTA), Pam Van Dort, Director of Grant Oversight Strategy (HUD OIG), Kelly McGovern, Audit Director (USDA OIG) to discuss the opportunities and benefits of building connections across the oversight community with committee members involved in the LIFT network.  The virtual event was facilitated by Bob Westbrooks, Executive Director (PRAC) and moderated by Aimee Peralta, Assistant Special Agent in Charge (EPA OIG).

2022 Virtual Flash Mentoring Event

On February 23, 2022, LIFT Network collaborated with the Mentoring Subcommittee once again to host the second virtual flash mentoring event.  The 2022 Virtual Flash Mentoring Event featured one-on-one mentoring sessions in breakout rooms and professional development panels.  Senior Executive leaders from the OIG community shared their professional development tips and strategies, personal stories, and insights with participants.  The event provided a unique opportunity for early-to-mid career-level oversight professionals to engage with top leaders and grow their networks in the oversight community. 

Connecting UpLIFTING Professionals (CUP) Event: Connecting in Hybrid Spaces

In January 2022, LIFT kicked off its Connecting UpLIFTing Professionals (CUP) event series.  CUP events focus on early-to-mid career-level oversight professionals and feature peer group speakers and panelists. The events are designed to be informal and focused on networking and facilitating discussions among early-to-mid career-level OIG personnel.  The first event, Connecting in Hybrid Spaces, featured Pamela Van Dort, Director of Grant Oversight Strategy (Housing and Urban Development OIG), who led a discussion to help members prepare for success in a hybrid virtual and in-person work environment.  LIFT plans to host another CUP event on working in hybrid spaces later this Spring.  Please be on the lookout for more details coming soon! 

PRAC from Scratch

On November 2, 2021, LIFT moderated a dynamic discussion with a panel of distinguished leaders from the Pandemic Response and Accountability Committee (PRAC), entitled “PRAC from Scratch.” During the event, panelists provided valuable insights on leadership, the PRAC’s set up, how to persevere through times of change, and virtual teambuilding. The event was well received and well attended, with nearly 300 attendees. Evaluations noted an appreciation for the personal insights and stories shared by the panelists, the unique event format,  and the quality and organization of the event. A recording of the event is available on the CIGIE YouTube Channel:

Perspectives on Leadership

On September 29, 2021, CIGIE LIFT hosted “Perspectives on Leadership,” a panel event with leaders at FDIC OIG, that focused on the choices and mindsets comprising leadership.  The panelists, Inspector General Jay Lerner, Deputy Inspector General Gale Stallworth Stone, and Assistant Inspector General for Program Audits and Evaluations Terry Gibson, addressed questions posed by event moderator and Engagement and Chief Learning Officer Kevin Zachery about leading yourself, others, and teams.  The FDIC OIG panelists shared their thoughts on how to determine leadership styles, lead from a middle management position, and encourage subordinate team members to step into leadership roles.  The panelists also offered candid advice on overcoming mistakes and feeling comfortable in new leadership roles.  More information about the event and the bios for the FDIC OIG speakers are available by clicking the event title above.

In case you missed it, recommendations for further reading are available below! Watch this space for a recording of the event coming soon.

Interested in learning more?  Check out the resources our panel recommended for further reading:

  • Stop the Surveillance: Why Some Managers Feel the Need to Monitor Workers, and What to Do Instead, Article by Joy VerPlanck, D.E.T. , Sherilyn George-Clinton

  • How Good People Make Tough Choices: Resolving the Dilemmas of Ethical Living, Book by Rushworth M. Kidder

  • Everyday Leadership, TedTalk by Drew Dudley

Inspiring Fearless Communication | June 30, 2021 | 1pm – 2:30pm (Eastern)

On June 30, 2021, CIGIE LIFT hosted “Inspiring Fearless Communication,” a panel discussion on the importance of psychological safety and how to support it within our organizations. The panelists, Stanley Hammonds, Director Curriculum Design and Instructor Development, (Department of Transportation, OIG); Francine Hines, Assistant Inspector General for Management Services, (Department of Education, OIG); Brian Sano, Director of Organizational Health, (Department of State, OIG); and Amanda Seese Whelan, Assistant Inspector General for Strategic Communications and Programs, (Department of Transportation, OIG) addressed sensitive questions about how to deal with bullying, cliques, bias, and other uncomfortable and unfair toxic conditions in the workplace, with authenticity and practical advice.

Interested in learning more?  Check out the resources our panel recommended for further reading:

Did you miss the event?  Don’t worry, we have you covered.  Watch a recording of the event here:

To ensure that you receive notice of future events, join our listserv HERE.  

 CIGIE LDS-LIFT Virtual Flash Mentoring Event On February 24, 2021, CIGIE LIFT partnered with the CIGIE Leadership Development Subcommittee’s Mentoring Workgroup on a successful three-hour flash mentoring and professional development event.  This virtual event brought together senior and emerging leaders from across the CIGIE community for a series of expert speaker panels and one-on-one flash mentoring sessions.  (Click on event title above for more information, such as agenda and speaker bios.) 

Panel sessions featured important topics, including: Making it Easier to Say the Tough Stuff; Deciding When to Move on for Growth; Leading Large, Multidisciplinary Teams in the OIG Law Enforcement Community; Authentic Leadership~ Leading by Example; The Importance of Mentors and Networks in Maturing Leadership; Try New Things, You May Like Them… or Not; The Value of Communication and Diverse Experience; Top 3 Tips for Successful Conflict Resolution; and Being a New Supervisor and a New Employee at the Same Time.

Planning for the 2022 Virtual Flash Mentoring Event is underway.  Keep an eye on this space for updates.  If you have questions, let us know via the contact form HERE

Maintaining Your Resilience  On February 3, 2021, LIFT hosted an engaging discussion on Maintaining Your Resilience with the Honorable Rae Oliver Davis, Inspector General (HUD) and the Honorable Mark Lee Greenblatt, Inspector General (DOI).  Participants enjoyed hearing the perspectives, personal experiences and professional insights that the oversight leaders shared on resiliency.  “We will emerge from this... Just Keep Swimming!”

Did you miss the event?  Don’t worry, we have you covered.  Watch a recording of the event here:

LIFT Off Event 

On September 17, 2020, CIGIE LIFT held its very first event titled “LIFT Off.” Featuring a virtual panel of deputy inspectors general who shared their experiences and insights on career development and advancement, the event was well-attended and well-received. Here is some of the feedback participants shared following the conclusion of the event: 
“To all 3 panelists, I just want to say that it's incredibly inspiring to see and hear you willing to be so vulnerable about your experiences and insights. These answers are so honest and powerful. Thank you.”

“I truly appreciate the panelists for sharing their experiences, guidance, lessons learned, and best practices with us! I second that we should have these sessions more often! And thank you to the excellent moderator and facilitators for making this discussion possible!”

“To the panelists, I just want to say thank you for sharing the personal insights and knowledge. You provided some great takeaways today that I definitely relate to and gained a better understanding.”

“The panelists' open, honest, vulnerable conversation is enlightening. Thank you, CIGIE LIFT!!”

“This exceeded my expectations! Thank you to all who helped organize such a great virtual event.” 

“Thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences and insights.  This has been a great event, covering great material, and I've learned so much!”

“Thank you for all of your enlightening and honest answers. This has been very motivational and from the heart. Thank you to CIGIE LIFT for hosting this event!”

“This was an incredible set of panelists. I was significantly impacted by the journey and experience shared by the panel, for which I am greatly appreciative. Thank you all for sharing your intimate and real advice.”

“Thank you CIGIE LIFT for this training, it was great and the panelists were excellent and I learned so much. Thank you again for your honesty and truth.” 



  • What is CIGIE LIFT? CIGIE LIFT is a Network of Federal oversight professionals focused on career development and networking opportunities.
  • Is CIGIE LIFT only for young professionals? No, CIGIE LIFT is for oversight professionals of all levels and functions who are interested in topics aimed at developing, connecting-with, and engaging early to mid-level career professionals in Federal oversight.
  • How do I join or connect with CIGIE LIFT?  Join our listserv or submit a question by using the link to the right.  
  • How do I become involved with CIGIE LIFT Leadership? We are currently developing a process for sharing and providing ongoing opportunities to our members. In the meantime, join our listserv for updates and information on sharing your voice to shape the direction of CIGIE LIFT. Regardless of your specific role, we are committed to ensuring that you have an opportunity to meaningfully contribute to CIGIE LIFT’s success.