
  • Basic Information
    Head of State/Government H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah
    Governance Republicain
    Capital Monrovia
    Land area 111,369 km2 or 43,000 SQ mi
    Population 5,3 Millions 2022 estimate
    Independence 26 July 1847
    Official language English
    Major spoken languages Kpelle, Bassa, Lorma, Gio, Mandingo, Mano, Kru, Vai, Kissi, Gola, Mende, Krahn, Gbandi, Belle, Dei, Grebo, Sao
    Life expectancy 60 years Male, 66 years Female
    GDP per capita (PPP) $1,673, 2022
    Annual Growth Rate 3,7% 2022
    Currency Liberian Dollars (LRD)
    Human Development Index 0,481
    Time zone GMT
    Related Links -
  • Ministry Responsible for ECOWAS Affairs
    Name of Ministry Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Name of Minister H.E. Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah KEMAYAH Sr
    Address Capitol Hill, Tubman Boulevard P.O. Box 9002, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
    Phones -
    Fax -
    Emails WWW.MOFA.GOV.LR
    Website -
  • Ministry Responsible for ECOWAS Foreign Affairs
    Name of Ministry Minister of Finance and Development Planning
    Name of Minister Mr. Samuel D. TWEAH, Jr.
    Address -
    Phones -
    Fax -
    Emails -
    Website -
  • ECOWAS National Office
    Name of Head of Office Mr Benedict D. ROBERTS
    Address P.O. Box 10-9016 Broad & Mechlin Streets 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
    Phones -
    Fax -
    Emails [email protected]
  • Permanent Representatives to ECOWAS
    Name of Permanent Representative H. E. Dr. Al-Hassan CONTEH
    Address Embassy of the Republic of Liberia, Plot 352 Cadastral Zone AO, independence Avenue near UN House
    Phones -
    Fax -
    Emails [email protected]
  • Resident reprenstatives of ECOWAS in Liberia

    Amb. Josephine NKRUMAH

    Resident Representative in Liberia
    Resident Representative in Liberia
    Name Amb. Josephine NKRUMAH
    Address ECOWAS House, 2 nd Street, Beside UN House, Opposite Monrovia City Hall – Sinkor, Liberia
    Email [email protected], [email protected]

    Office Manager of The Resident Representative in Liberia
    Name Ms. Irene WALLACE
    Address ECOWAS House, 2 nd Street, Beside UN House, Opposite Monrovia City Hall – Sinkor, Liberia
    Email [email protected]

H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah
Head of State - Liberia


5,3 Millions

2022 estimate


Official Language


Member States