TB Today

The Tuberculosis Today! workshop focuses on a practical approach to the current body of knowledge on which the treatment and control of tuberculosis is based. Study materials and classroom sessions concentrate on:

  • Transmission and pathogenesis
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment and medical management of infection and disease
  • Infection control, contact investigation
  • Legal issues and the patient-provider relationship


The workshop is intended primarily for nurses and physicians who have major responsibilities for tuberculosis control activities in their respective healthcare settings, including patient management, contact investigation, prevention, infection control, program management, supervision of staff involved in direct care, and professional education. Other professionals (e.g., social workers, health educators, managers, supervisors, etc.) are also invited to apply.

Multiple Courses Each Year

This year, the TB Control program is offering multiple TB Today! courses in each region in the state. If you reside in a certain region, please apply for the designated course date.

Midlands TB Today – October 14 - 15  Registration is OPEN NOW!
Pee Dee TB Today – February
Low Country Today – April
Upstate TB Today – June

Midlands TB Today Application TB Today Flyer Map of SC Counties




Health Professionals Tuberculosis