Underground Storage Tanks

Federal Register Public Notice (State Program Approval)

On March 24, 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published simultaneously a Proposed Rule and a Direct Final Rule entitled “South Carolina: Final Approval of State Underground Storage Tank Program Revisions, Codification and Incorporation by Reference” in the Federal Register under Docket # EPA-R04-UST-2019-0582. The proposed rule (FRL-10014-88-Region 4 provides for a 30-day comment period on the Direct Final Rule (FRL-10014-89-Region 4) South Carolina Final Approval on the State’s SPA application. The 30-day public comment period is open from March 24, 2021 through April 23, 2021. Submit your comments identified by docket number EPA-R04-UST-2019-0582, at https://www.regulations.gov.  Follow the online instructions for submitting comments and/or other requests.  The publication and all supporting materials can be electronically accessed at https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EPA-R04-UST-2019-0582 

How will the new regulations affect you? Learn more about the revised UST Regulation.

DHEC regulates underground storage tanks (USTs) for the entire life of a tank system. This includes the planning, compliance, permitting, enforcement and remediation efforts of underground storage tanks throughout the state. We provide technical oversight on all releases that occur from USTs as well as a Site Rehabilitation Contractor Certification Program.

COVID-19 UST Inspection Process 

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