If you’re only showing one campaign to website visitors, you’re missing a trick.

Popups work to increase conversions, but not all visitors will opt in the first time they see one. OptinMonster’s OnSite Follow Up Campaigns® help you get the attention of wavering visitors with triggered campaigns.

This smart technology recognizes how visitors interact with other offers on your website, so you can follow up with targeted campaigns designed to get them to take action.

Both eCommerce retailers and content publishers can use this feature to run drip marketing campaigns on their websites to turn uncommitted visitors into revenue-generating leads and customers.

How Anywhere.com Recovers 56% of Abandoning Visitors With Onsite Follow Up Campaigns

Travel agency marketing aims to keep abandoning visitors on the site

OnSite Follow Up Campaigns® for Ecommerce

Did you know that the best time to get more engagement from potential customers is when they’re already engaging with you?

If you’re not marketing to website visitors while they’re on your site, you’re wasting your marketing budget and spending more on customer acquisition than you need to.

OptinMonster’s OnSite Follow Up Campaigns® help you run eCommerce drip marketing campaigns on your own site to improve lead generation and increase sales. This behavioral automation feature lets you present another offer as soon as shoppers close or accept the first one.

You can use this technology to create an automated follow up sequence to earn more revenue with upsells and cross-sells.

Case Study Nashville Pedal Tavern Lifted Sales $2,300 In Just 14 Days with OptinMonster

Improve the shopper experience by using OnSite Follow Up Campaigns® to highlight new products, to show recommended products to customers who have opted in for a coupon, or to present a low-cost, tripwire offer immediately after they have opted in. This technique is proven to boost sales.

Use OnSite Follow Up Campaigns® with OptinMonster’s Success Scripts and our advanced Exit-Intent Technology to earn even more revenue.

OnSite Follow Up Campaigns® for Publishers

When a visitor closes your popup, what’s your next move? Some people say you shouldn’t show them another offer for at least another month.

But if you do that, you’re missing your best chance to keep their attention.

With OptinMonster’s OnSite Follow Up Campaigns®, you can show these same visitors another offer, or present the same offer in a different way. These second-chance offers are proven to convert and get more attention for your content.

Publishers can use this onsite marketing automation technology to improve lead generation by offering webinars and case studies, encouraging social media participation, and promoting published content to boost visitor engagement.

Case Study How ChinaImportal Increased Webinar Registrations 18% With OptinMonster

Using triggered campaigns to create automated follow up sequences gives your website superpowers that will wow your visitors, and boost your revenue.

Style your campaigns with our Drag & Drop Builder so that each offer looks completely different with OptinMonster’s wide variety of themes, or create your own from scratch with our Canvas technology – no coding needed.

Ready to increase leads and sales with automated onsite drip marketing? Get started with OptinMonster today.