How to Use Page-Level Targeting to Quickly Boost Leads

Are you worried that your website isn’t generating as many leads as it could? Page-level targeting could help to address that issue. In this article, we’ll explain what page-level targeting is and show you how to implement it successfully to improve lead generation from your website.

What Is Page-Level Targeting?

Page-level targeting is the creation of optins on specific pages of your website based on criteria, or rules, that you set up in advance. Some people also call this URL targeting, though that’s mostly used with ads, where you can target ads so they show to people coming to or arriving on a particular URL.

Page-level targeting works pretty much the same way. You can use it to display offers depending on how different groups of visitors have interacted with your website.

If it sounds like a powerful tool, that’s because it is, especially for eCommerce store owners and content publishers.

Why Use Page-Level Targeting?

There are lots of reasons why it makes sense to use page-level targeting.

First of all, the people who visit your site are individuals, so some of them won’t respond well to a generic approach. As Marketo’s infographic below shows, most marketers find that getting personal brings results, and you can’t get much more personal than offering potential customers just what they need at a specific point in their relationship with you.

personalization is a benefit of page-level targeting
If you’re a content publisher, page-level targeting can help you do more with content that’s already doing well. For example, you can put a targeted optin on a high-traffic page. The more relevant a resource is, the more likely it is that visitors will want it.

Here are a couple of examples of how this might work:

Say you’re running a website about dogs. With a generic site-wide optin, all your visitors would get general information about all the different breeds, regardless of what interested them.

In contrast, you could use page-level targeting to show an optin with a picture of a Labrador to Lab owners. You could also offer a content upgrade about typical issues for the breed.

In both cases, the targeted info means you’re much more likely to get your visitors’ attention. And when those emails arrive, they’re much more likely to open and click.

Or if you’re running an online store, your optin could change depending on whether customers had already made a purchase or were about to abandon their shopping cart. You’ve probably seen that in action on other retail websites, where attempting to click away triggers a discount offer for the exact item you’ve been looking at. That’s a good example of page-level targeting.

Before we move on, let’s just recap the potential benefits of page-level targeting:

All of this happens because your optins and content are relevant.

3 Issues to Consider with Page-Level Targeting

If you’re planning to start using page-level targeting, there are three issues you need to think about first:

  1. Who should you show content or optins to?
  2. What content should you show them?
  3. Where and when should you display the content?

Who should see the optins?

As we said, understanding your audience is a key part of using page-level targeting. We’ll talk more about customer avatars in the next section, but for now, just know that this will help you create your strategy.

You’ll also need to pay attention to where they are coming from and whether they’re responding to one of your calls-to-action on another site. For example, if you write a guest post and invite people to visit your site to get a resource, the optin on your landing page can reflect that. That might be the factor that convinces them to join your email list.

What’s the right content to feature?

The second question is: what content should you showcase in your offer? We gave a couple of examples earlier of using content upgrades or discounts as incentives to solidify your relationship with a visitor. We’ll walk you through an example in the next section.

Where and when should you show the optins?

Third, think about where and when to use page-level targeting, then decide how long people should view the page before they see your offer.

On an eCommerce site, you’ll probably focus on the pages that people typically visit before making a purchase.

On a blog, you can identify top performing content that encourages email list signups. We’ll talk more about these examples in the next section.

How to Implement Page-Level Targeting Effectively

There are a few things you need to do to implement page-level targeting effectively.

1. Understand Your Customers

We can’t say this often enough: the better you understand your customers, the better you can target content and optins specifically to them. It’s essential to know what your customers want, need and expect at different stages of their interaction with you. Creating customer avatars will help you make optins and content more relevant and, as we know, more relevance equals better conversions.

If you think about it, you’ve already got a lot of information about your customers from:

  • Web analytics
  • Social analytics
  • Customer service interactions
  • Your own knowledge of customer behavior and preferences

This will help you create customer or visitor segments and predict what kind of offers will interest each of them. It’s ok if you have a few customer avatars, but if you have 20 or 30, think again.

There’s one thing to pay attention to here: you’re not creating a gazillion optins and offers. With page-level targeting, you’re making slightly different versions of the same optin to address different customer segments and situations.

2. Identify a Key Page for Each Segment

If you’re running an eCommerce site, pick a customer avatar and use the data you have to identify the top page that person usually visits before buying. If you’re running a blog, focus on your most popular post or page.

page level targeting optin

Next, figure out where you want them to go next, whether that’s to a related item that will show off your expertise or to a resource that will help them complete a purchase.

3. Create an Offer

Design an offer that’s right for the segment. On an eCommerce site, it’s easy to target offers based on the category people are looking at.

On a blog, you can tailor the offer to a specific page, post category, tag, or custom post type. It’s easy using the OptinMonster WordPress plugin.

OptinMonster display settings can be refined through your WordPress dashboard

As mentioned earlier, content upgrades work well for blogs, so if you have an epic post that’s a traffic magnet, it’s a no-brainer to offer one to the people who are already interested in the content.

4. Design and Launch Your Optin

Once you know who you’re targeting on which pages and what your offer is, it’s time to create an optin and put page-level targeting into action.

Create an Optin With Page-Level Targeting

To create a campaign, you’ll need an OptinMonster account. Go signup now.

Go to your OptinMonster dashboard and click Create Campaign.

Create a campaign from your OptinMonster dashboard

Next, select your Campaign Type. Let’s go with a Popup which converts well for all OptinMonster customers.

Select the type of optin campaign you want to build

Now you get to choose your Campaign Template. You can preview any of the templates by hovering over the template with your mouse cursor and clicking on the Preview button, but for this tutorial, we’re going to keep in simple and go with the Simple template. ? To select this template, click on the Use Template button.

Choose the campaign template you want to use

On the next screen, name your campaign and choose the website you want to use it on. Once you’re ready, click Start Building.

Name your campaign and start building

You’ll be taken into the campaign builder and will see the default version of the Simple campaign. Take note of the green Save button in the top right of the builder. Use it often. Saving your work is a beautiful thing. ✨

Default view of the Simple template

Edit Your Campaign

Making changes to the design or copy of your campaign is really easy with our drag and drop campaign builder.

To edit text, you simply click on the text you want to edit in the live preview on the right to bring up the editing tools on the left. From there, you can make changes to the text, font, colors, and more.

OptinMonster's drag and drop builder is awesome

For now, let’s leave the design alone and move on to our Display Rules. You can come back later and design the optin of your dreams. ?

Set Up Page-Level Targeting

Click on the Display Rules tab to set up the rules that tell your optin when it should appear. Options include:

  • After a certain amount of time
  • When users have scrolled down the page a certain percentage
  • When they’ve clicked on your content upgrade
  • According to their date, time or location
  • When they’re about to leave (Exit Intent)

Display Rules let you target campaigns to specific visitors

FitSmallBusiness was able to convert 40% of readers using page-level targeting. They simply matched their optin campaigns to the articles that were being viewed: only readers viewing articles related to Google Analytics would see an offer about Google Analytics, or those reading about SEO would see offers about SEO.

In Display Rules, you can create a rule to easily target an entire category of articles by simply adding the slug of the category to the rule. Your rule condition would be If current URL path contains SLUG, where SLUG is your category.

Be sure to save your rules.

Add an Integration

To collect email signups you’re going to need to add your email marketing service provider. OptinMonster makes it so very easy to get connected. Find your provider and step-by-step integration instructions here.

Connect to Google Analytics

Go to the Analytics tab in the campaign builder and in the Google Analytics row, click connect.

Connect to Google Analytics

If you’ve already integrated a Google Analytics Account, then you’ll be able to select it from the dropdown. If you haven’t, or want to integrate a new account, choose the Add a New Google Connection option from the Google Analytics Account dropdown.

Once you click to add a new account, you’ll see a notice pop up in blue:

We need to authenticate your Google Analytics Account with OptinMonster before we can enable Google Analytics tracking for your campaign campaigns.

To continue, select the Generate Authentication Code button.

You’ll then have a new window pop up, asking you to connect OptinMonster to your Google Account, so it can view your Google Analytics data. Select the Allow button.

Allow OptinMonster permission to receive data from Google Analytics

On the next screen, you’ll see a generated code, copy that code to continue.

Copy Code given by Google Analytics

Once your code is copied come back to the campaign builder and paste it into your Analytics field where it says Authentication Token. In the Account Label field give your integration a unique name – this can be anything that will make this specific integration easily identifiable for you. Then, click Next.

On the following screen, you can choose the Website Profile. The recommended profile is All Web Site Data of the property that you want to connect with this specific campaign. Click Next.

The next screen that comes up should be a congratulations screen showing your now active Google Analytics connection!

Successfully connected to Google Analytics

Be sure to save your campaign.

You can view your campaign analytics within OptinMonster by going to your Dashboard.

Click the small Arrow Icon beside the campaign of your choice.

Once the screen opens, you can see a graph of your campaign over time (with customizable time ranges).

Depending on your site’s traffic, it can take 24 to 48 hours for Google Analytics to start returning data on your campaign.

Publish Your Campaign

Now we’re ready to get this campaign published.

Go to the Publish tab and toggle the Status to Live. Then, click Save.

Publish your campaign

To make the optin live on WordPress make sure you’ve connected the OptinMonster WordPress connector plugin.

Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on the OptinMonster icon. You should see a list of all your optins. If you don’t see the optin you’ve just created, click Refresh Campaigns, and it’ll appear.

visual storytelling techniques emotional motivator

Click the Go Live button next to the campaign name to make the campaign live on your site.

Now you know how powerful page-level targeting is as a lead generation tool AND how to publish your own page-level targeting campaign! If you enjoyed this tutorial and want to learn even more ways that OptinMonster can help you with lead generation, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Jacinda Santora
Jacinda Santora is a writer specializing in eCommerce and growth marketing. She prides herself on her ability to make complicated things easier. When she isn't writing you can find her daydreaming about campervans, drinking coffee, and listening to podcasts.


  1. Thanks for reading this article – I hope you found it helpful.

    I wanted to let you know about our powerful Exit Intent® technology that converts abandoning website visitors into email subscribers and customers. Typically 70% of the people who visit your website will leave and never return, meaning all those marketing efforts to reach them have gone to waste.

    OptinMonster’s Exit Intent® technology detects user behavior and prompts them with a targeted campaign at the precise moment they are about to leave.

    You can unlock this powerful technology 100% free when you purchase our OptinMonster Pro plan.

    Get started with OptinMonster today and see why 1,000,000+ choose OptinMonster to get more subscribers and customers.

    Thomas Griffin
    President of OptinMonster

  2. soooooo, about those rules…
    Do I just ignore this section, leaving Default Ruleset as the only one, to simply display my campaign full-time, permanently on my homepage? I just want an email capture device on homepage 24-7.
    the only rule that looks to make sense would be to NOT display campaign to those who’ve already opted in, but that seems redundant.

    1. Nathan Thompson
      Nathan Thompson January 26, 2021 at 6:54 am

      Hey Szilvia, thanks for the comment! I’m not sure I 100% follow the question, so my apologies if this isn’t the answer you’re looking for. That said, you can target a URL path to work exclusively on your homepage and set display settings to make sure it won’t appear again to users who have opted-in. But there are so many use cases and possibilities that it may be best if you reach out to our customer success team. That way, they can give you more specific advice depending on your needs. We also have a live chat feature that you can use for support during regular business hours.

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