Section 408 Review Program

Project Manager

Katy R. Damico
Section 408 Team Lead and Project Manager
Operations Branch
Norfolk District, USACE
803 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510

Section 408 in Virginia

Four of our sister Districts have Civil Works boundaries within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Please see the USACE Civil Works Boundary Map (*use the USACE Civil Works Boundary layer) in the Norfolk District Section 408 Public Map

If your project is located within the CW boundaries of another District, please contact the corresponding District’s Section 408 Coordinator for more information:

Section 408

Norfolk District Civil Works Boundaries (Click for high-resolution image)The purpose of a Section 408 review is to ensure that the Congressionally-authorized benefits of a USACE project are not undermined by an alteration made by others, and to ensure the alteration is not injurious to the public interest (e.g., flood risk management, coastal storm damage reduction, navigation).

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Norfolk District is required to review requests initiated by private, public, tribal, or other federal entities that propose to make alterations to, or temporarily or permanently occupy or use, any USACE federally authorized civil works project pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408) and in accordance with Engineering Circular 1165-2-220

The USACE will then make a determination as to whether the proposed action is injurious to the public interest or affects the ability of the project to meet its authorized purpose.  Following the review, the USACE will make a 408 Determination as to whether the proposed alteration, occupation, or use of the federal project is approved or denied. 

Norfolk District Section 408 Categorical Permissions

In accordance with EC 1165-2-220, the Norfolk District maintains the ability to create a “categorical permission” in order to expedite and streamline the review and final decisions of Section 408 requests that are similar in nature and that have similar impacts to the USACE project and environment. An assessment of impacts to the usefulness of the USACE project, environmental compliance, and a public interest determination is conducted ahead of time for a common category of activities. For those individual Section 408 requests that are consistent with the terms and conditions of an established categorical permission, the Section 408 request can be granted with a simplified validation process.

Categorical Permission 1 (408-CP-01) - Maintenance Dredging within the Footprint of Specific Civil Works Federal Navigation Projects Located in the Middle Peninsula, Virginia

•    408-CP-01 grants permission to alter specific Civil Works Federal Navigation Projects located in the Middle Peninsula of Virginia, as depicted on the attached 408-CP-1 CW Project Maps. The approved alteration(s) is limited to maintenance dredging and dredged material placement activities of a specific Federal Navigation Project to the Congressionally authorized dimensions. These activities must be reviewed in conjunction with a DA permit from the Norfolk District Regulatory Branch. See the full 408-CP-01 for complete details.

•    408-CP-01 Request – To request a Section 408 review under the terms and conditions of 408-CP-01, the Requester must provide a complete and signed Section 408 Categorical Permission (408-CP-01) Review Request Form along with the applicable Department of the Army Joint Permit Application (JPA) submitted in accordance the JPA instructions on the Norfolk District Regulatory Branch webpage. Once received and assigned to a Regulatory project manager (PM), a copy will be forwarded to the Section 408 Team Lead and the 408-review process will begin. The Section 408 reviewer will review and verify the proposed alteration to ensure it is covered under 408-CP-01 and identify additional information required to process the request.

Categorical Permission 2 (408-CP-02) - Low Impact Alterations Conducted By Nonfederal Sponsors or Independent Requestors to the Sandbridge Beach Erosion and Hurricane Protection Project in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

  • 408-CP-02 grants permission to alter the Sandbridge Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project (Federal project), a USACE Civil Works project, via a variety of requests from property owners for minor and low impact activities such as sand maintenance and construction of structures on residential properties located within the Federal project easement. Property owners at the Federal project have requested and are expected to continue to request authorization to have sand and debris removed or to construct and maintain a variety of surface or subsurface structures on private property that require Section 408 coordination. All proposed activities will take place landward of the mean high water (MHW) line and include:
  1. Sand Maintenance - Sand from Sandbridge Beach is continuously migrating through natural processes onto residents’ properties such as yards, decks, and pools. Residents frequently propose to remove excess sand that has migrated onto private property and place the sand back onto Sandbridge Beach and within the Federal project limits to maintain their properties. Maintenance may also be required for non-sand marine debris that migrates through natural processes onto private property and may requires disposal.
  1. Structures - Property owners at the Federal project have requested and are expected to continue to request authorization to construct and maintain a variety of surface or subsurface structures on private property but within the Federal project easement. Structures may include but are not limited to bulkheads (or low-profile retaining walls), piles, decks, pools, storage sheds, landscaping, or other residential structural features. Structures may be constructed and maintained for various purposes including protection of property, safety, improvements to meet local or state codes, aesthetics, and recreation.
  • 408-CP-02 Request – To request a Section 408 review under the terms and conditions of 408-CP-02, the Requester must provide a complete and signed Section 408 Categorical Permission 2 (408-CP-02) Review Request Form along with project plans submitted to the Section 408 Coordinator at [email protected]. The Section 408 Coordinator, or assigned Section 408 reviewer, will review, and verify the proposed alteration is covered under this CP and identify any additional information required to process the request.

Section 408 Review Requests

If a Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization is required, a Joint Permit Application (JPA) must be submitted through the Norfolk District's Regulatory Office at [email protected]

If a Regulatory permit is not required, the Section 408 Review Request should be submitted directly to the District's Section 408 Coordinator at [email protected]

To request a pre-application meeting or to submit any Section 408 questions or comments, please submit direcly to the Section 408 Coordinator at [email protected]

Section 408 Public Notices will be shared on Facebook and Twitter. Follow us to stay up to date.

Additional Review Request Information

USACE’s procedures for reviewing requests for Section 408 permission is contained in Engineer Circular (EC) 1165-2-220. The corresponding internal guidance related to designating a lead district as referenced in EC 1165-2-220 can be found at this link.

For additional information, view the Section 408 fact sheet and revised policy.

Norfolk District Section 408 Public Notices

  • Section 408 Review of Shockoe Island Improvements, Richmond, Virginia

    Expiration date: 4/14/2023

    Interested parties are hereby notified that multiple requests for permission to alter a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. Section 408) have been received and will be evaluated by the Norfolk District.  Written comments, including any objections to the proposed alteration, stating reasons therefore, are being solicited from anyone having an interest in the requested alteration. The actions being considered are located on Shockoe Island in Richmond, Virginia and have the potential to impact the Richmond Flood Protection Project near the Richmond Floodwall North. Comments should be received by April 14, 2023.
  • Section 408 Categorical Permission 2 (408-CP-02) for Sandbridge Beach Erosion and Hurricane Protection Project, Virginia Beach, Virginia

    Expiration date: 2/26/2023

    The Norfolk District is seeking comments regarding the development of Section 408 Categorical Permission 2 (408-CP-02) - Low Impact Alterations Conducted By Nonfederal Sponsors or Independent Requestors to the Sandbridge Beach Erosion and Hurricane Protection Project in Virginia Beach, Virginia which will provide expedited and streamlined reviews and final decisions for permission to alter the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Sandbridge Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. Section 408).
  • 408-NA0-2022-0021; Behrman, Broad Bay in Virginia Beach

    Expiration date: 4/26/2022

    The public comment period is open until April 26, 2022, for a Joint Permit Application from from Brady Behrman to remove the existing pier, lift, and boat house, and construct approximately 73 linear feet of riprap, a 7'x54' groin, 72 linear feet of timber bulkhead, and a 280 linear foot private open pile pier with a L-head, boat lift, open sided roof, (3) PWC lifts, and (5) mooring piles along Broad Bay at 1644 Cutty Shark Road, Virginia Beach, VA.
  • 408-NA0-2022-0027 (Cripple Creek transfer station)

    Expiration date: 4/19/2022

    With a comment period closing April 19, the Norfolk District recieved a joint permit application from the city of Virginia Beach for construction of the Cripple Creek Dredged Material Transfer Station along the Lynnhaven River's eastern branch adjacent to 2540 Virginia Beach Blvd.
  • 408-NA0-2022-0033; Preservation Virginia, Jamestown Island Protection Project

    Expiration date: 4/18/2022

    The public comment period is open for a Joint Permit Application from Preservation Virginia for the addition of 1,716 linear feet of riprap revetment along the lower portion of an existing concrete revetment at Jamestown Island, situated along the James River in James City County.