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August 04, 2023 - Press Releases
For the second year in a row, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Expert has earned the maximum possible points of ’The Total Accuracy Rating’ in the Enterprise Advanced Security test of EDR solutions conducted by SE Labs.
August 03, 2023 - Virus News
Kaspersky's new report uncovers intricate infection tactics of malware strains DarkGate, Emotet, and LokiBot. Amid DarkGate's unique encryption and Emotet's robust comeback, LokiBot exploits persist, illustrating the ever-advancing cybersecurity landscape.
July 31, 2023 - Press Releases
Kaspersky's ICS CERT report has revealed part two of its research, which addresses a second-stage malware succeeding the first-stage implants used for remote access and data collection in cyberattacks in Eastern Europe. This advanced tool extracts data from air-gapped systems, paving the way for the development of third-stage tools that collect and transmit the harvested data.
July 27, 2023 - Corporate News
In Kaspersky's latest report on Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) trends for the second quarter of 2023, researchers analyze the development of new and existing campaigns. The report highlights APT activity during this period including the updating of toolsets, the creation of new malware variants, and the adoption of fresh techniques by threat actors.
July 20, 2023 - Virus News
Kaspersky has recently concluded an investigation into cyber attacks targeting the industrial sector in Eastern Europe. The investigation has revealed the employment of advanced tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) by threat actors to compromise industrial organizations in the region. Industries such as manufacturing, industrial control system (ICS) engineering and integration have been particularly affected, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity preparedness.
July 18, 2023 - Press Releases
Kaspersky has introduced support for Linux in their Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security product. This adaptable, multi-layered solution now provides optimized security for embedded Linux-based systems, devices and scenarios, in compliance with the rigorous regulatory standards so often applicable to these systems. The product provides optimum protection for every device it secures – whatever its power level – against the latest cyberthreats directed at today’s Linux systems.
July 12, 2023 - Press Releases
The latest Codebreakers competition organized by Kaspersky among cybersecurity specialists from more than 35 countries has revealed reverse engineering is the most complex task performed by InfoSec practitioners.
July 06, 2023 - Comparative Tests
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business has proven 100 percent anti-tampering protection in a yearly AV-Comparatives focus pen-test. Tamper protection defends the product against end-user and third-party changes, plus services, processes, files, and registry entries against any controlling attempts, even in the context of a privileged user. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business reached the certification requirements by successfully protecting against all the tampering attacks used in the research.
June 30, 2023 - Corporate News
Kaspersky was named one of the Champions for the 2023 Endpoint Protection Emotional Footprint report by SoftwareReviews, the most in-depth source of data and customer opinions in the enterprise software market. Emotional Footprint Champions are selected based exclusively on feedback provided by SoftwareReviews users.
June 29, 2023 - Press Releases
Kaspersky Safe Kids has received the ‘Approved’ certificate from independent testing organization AV-Comparatives, for the strong protection from adult content
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