103 Blog Post Ideas That Your Readers Will LOVE [Updated]

Having a hard time coming up with great blog post ideas? Constantly thinking of new blog post topics can be a daunting task. That’s why we have compiled a list of 103 original blog post ideas that you can write about today.

Rather than putting together a list of generic blog post ideas, we felt it would be far more useful to share with you the process of brainstorming blog post ideas.

By asking yourself the questions below, you can come up with at least 100 original blog post ideas within the next 30 minutes to jumpstart your content marketing.

Write those ideas down, and you’ll have months worth of blog post topics to write about without ever having to think, “What am I going to write about today?”.

But the best part of doing this exercise is that you will never run out of ideas to write about. Whenever you are stumped, just go through this checklist over again. You may be surprised at how many more blog post ideas you’ll come up with!

ExclusiveDownload the Blog Post Ideas Cheat Sheet to make content creation a breeze!

Because this is a very long list, we broke down the blog post ideas into categories. Feel free to use the navigation below to jump to a particular section…

Table of Contents

Are you ready to write your next blog post? Let’s dive into the 103 blog post ideas…

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Useful Blog Post Ideas

  1. What is a problem that your target customer has? Present a solution.
  2. Have you used any new tools or applications recently that have helped improve your workflow?
  3. Have you figured out a way to save a few hours a week?
  4. What type of work do you try to accomplish while traveling on an airplane?
  5. If you recently hired someone, what questions helped you the most in making your decision?
  6. What products or services can you compare and contrast?
  7. Have you created a resource post?
  8. Create a helpful checklist for customers.
  9. What helpful books have you read recently?
  10. What blogs do you keep up with? Create a list.
  11. What helps you to be creative?
  12. Have you changed the way you work over the years? If so, how?

Educational Blog Post Ideas

  1. Can you walk your audience through a process, step by step?
  2. What are some of the common questions that people ask when they email you?
  3. What are some questions that people should be asking you, but aren’t?
  4. If someone was about to start in your field, what are the top things they should know?
  5. Create a list of the top 10 things you wish you knew when you started.
  6. Give speech notes from a recent presentation you gave.
  7. What are your aspirations for the week, month, and year?
  8. What is the history of your industry?
  9. Any important insights that you have learned in the past year?
  10. What type of things do you review to determine quality in your industry?
  11. What do you want to learn more about? Study it, and share what you learned.
  12. What are some terms in your industry that need explaining?

Roundup Blog Post Ideas

  1. Is there an industry leader or influencer you can interview?
  2. Have you thought about reaching out to multiple experts for their thoughts on a specific subject?
  3. Have you thought about sharing a list of top influencers to follow in your industry?
  4. Read any great quotes lately? Compile quotes on a specific topic.
  5. What are the best blog posts you have read lately? Make a compilation.
  6. What statistics or research are your customers interested in? Curate it for them.
  7. What are the most popular posts you have written? Share “the best of” your blog.

Fun Blog Post Ideas

  1. Are there any funny posts or videos you found lately that you can share?
  2. Can you share a recent travel experience?
  3. Anything unique or funny happen at the office this week?
  4. How did you decide to start your business?
  5. What are your hobbies outside of work?
  6. Create a list of inspirational quotes for your industry.
  7. Have you considered doing a video blog?
  8. What question can you ask your users? Create a survey or quiz.
  9. Share a story.
  10. Create an infographic.
  11. Create a parody.
  12. Can you share something from behind the scenes?
  13. Start a challenge for your audience to participate in.
  14. Announce a contest.

Timely Blog Post Ideas

  1. What is your favorite piece of industry news that you’ve come across recently?
  2. Is there a new product you can review?
  3. Have you read any Twitter posts lately that you feel deserves a longer response?
  4. Are you attending a conference where you can share your highlights from sessions?
  5. See any good movies lately? Share the lessons you learned from it.
  6. Survey your audience and share the results.
  7. What are the biggest trends in your industry?
  8. Are there any holidays coming up?

Controversial Blog Post Ideas

  1. Is there something that has frustrated you recently? Talk about it.
  2. Write an open letter to someone or a company.
  3. What are you particularly passionate about within your industry?
  4. How are the legal activities in your country affecting your business?
  5. Make a Myth vs. Fact post.
  6. What type of customer email are you most frustrated with?
  7. Summarize a modern debate and give your opinion.
  8. Share a debate between two people in your industry.
  9. Do you have any predictions for the future of your industry?
  10. Read a blog post recently that you disagreed with? Share your reaction.

Promotional Blog Post Ideas

  1. What sets your company apart?
  2. What is your company’s history?
  3. Where do you see your business in the next 5 years?
  4. What charities or organizations do you support?
  5. What sets your company apart from your competitors?
  6. How does your product compare to other products?
  7. What is a creative use of your product?
  8. What would you recommend your customers do in the first few weeks of using your product?
  9. Can you showcase your customers?
  10. Share a company update.
  11. Share a product update.
  12. What are some tips you can share for using your product?
  13. Share a case study.

Personal Blog Post Ideas

  1. What are some things that most people don’t know about you?
  2. What are your favorite movies?
  3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  4. Do you have an embarrassing story?
  5. What has been your greatest success in life so far?
  6. What are your most epic failures (and how did you overcome them)?
  7. What would you say to a younger version of yourself?
  8. What does a typical day in your life look like?
  9. What is your idea of the “perfect” day?
  10. If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be?
  11. What things make you happy?
  12. What things have you learned from your parents?
  13. What is an important lesson you learned recently?

Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas

  1. What is your favorite restaurant?
  2. What is your fitness routine?
  3. What is your makeup routine?
  4. What things can’t you live without?
  5. Do you have a music playlist you can share?
  6. What books are on your shelf?
  7. What podcasts do you listen to?
  8. What is in your bag?
  9. What is your morning routine?
  10. What is your bedtime routine?
  11. How do you relax after a long day?
  12. Can you share pictures of your workplace?
  13. What are your hobbies?
  14. What are your favorite YouTube channels?

There you have it, 103 great blog post ideas to write about.

Now it’s your turn. Go ahead and go through the exercise of asking yourself these questions. I bet you’ll surprise yourself by the amount of original blog post ideas that you’ll think of!

If you want more ideas, check out our article on the 73 types of blog posts that are proven to work.

ExclusiveDownload the Blog Post Ideas Cheat Sheet to make content creation a breeze!

Keri is Director of Content at Awesome Motive, working on cool projects like OptinMonster, MonsterInsights, and WPForms.


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  2. This is so useful, will definitely be using this for our blog! Thanks!

    1. Glad you found it useful, Kimberly! Let us know how it goes. You can also follow us on Twitter for more blogging tips if you like 🙂

  3. Thank you extremely helpful and insightful this will help get the creative juices flowing ?

    1. Sharon Hurley Hall March 8, 2017 at 6:40 am

      So happy you found the post useful, Marcus. If you’d like more blogging tips, please follow us on Twitter 🙂

      1. Rahmah Muhammad April 27, 2020 at 3:49 pm

        Thank you!
        I needed this for my blog

  4. Nice!

    1. Sharon Hurley Hall March 10, 2017 at 4:55 am

      So happy you found the post useful, Judah. We’ve got a post on guest blogging mistakes you might like, too. Please follow us on Twitter to keep up with all our posts.

  5. Great ideas! Love them! Thank you!

    1. Sharon Hurley Hall March 13, 2017 at 3:23 pm

      So glad you found the post useful, Tameka. 🙂 Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with all our posts.

    2. Great tips.
      This will be really helpful for a new blogger like me.
      Thanks a lot.

  6. Thanks, it’s extremely helpful and i will use these great ideas.

    1. Sharon Hurley Hall July 19, 2017 at 9:46 am

      Happy to help, Sara. Check out our post on writing the perfect call to action as a good followup. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook to keep up with all our content. 🙂

  7. Thank you so much for sharing. It really has given me a bunch of ideas. And I love you you wrote it in a way that gives ideas for all different subject matters and kinds of blogs.

    1. Sharon Hurley Hall July 24, 2017 at 2:40 pm

      Happy to help, Palashtd. 🙂 As a follow-up, check out our guide to keyword research for content marketing.

  8. Andréanne Pinard December 6, 2017 at 11:29 am

    This is such a useful post! I was litteraly having a ”blank-page syndrom” this morning .. thanks!

    1. Sharon Hurley Hall December 11, 2017 at 11:20 am

      So happy you found it useful, Andréanne.:) You might also enjoy our article on measuring content marketing ROI.

  9. ” mind mapping” is actually a game of thoughts, focus on one thing at one time. I have seen many newbies doing random stuff like blogging plus academic writing plus SEO plus affiliate marketing…. why? because they do this for money only, this field is not their passion. Find your passion, express your feelings, money is not everything. I do blogging since 2016 and now I do it like a part-time job. THANKS, A MUCH FOR THE TIPS MATE, this will surely help the newbies to write a unique post every time.

    1. Sharon Hurley Hall April 20, 2018 at 1:23 pm

      Happy to help, Komal. 🙂 Check out our roundup of content marketing statistics for more ideas on strategy.

  10. Great list with really helpful tips which can be useful to even newbie like me who just started blogging. It will take months for me to follow the ideas but I’ll keep trying, thanks a lot for sharing the list.

  11. I definitely will use this since am a beginner .its going to be a great start for me .?


  13. Chevy Takes The Mic January 14, 2019 at 3:11 am

    From now on I’ll be using these ideas for my blog posts. Hopefully I get the results I’m hoping for – keeping my fingers crossed just in case. Thanks for sharing this post!

    1. Jacinda Santora
      Jacinda Santora January 14, 2019 at 1:58 pm

      Glad we could help, Chevy! Be sure to stop back in and let us know how it’s going. 🙂

  14. Hey Keri,

    How do you think like this?

    It’s so inspiring and motivating.

    Loved this blog, I am gonna use it from today, now.


    1. Jacinda Santora
      Jacinda Santora January 21, 2019 at 9:00 am

      Keri’s awesome, isn’t she? 😀 Thanks for the comment. Let us know how the topics work for you!

  15. This is really great information about starting a blog to make money. I really liked it. Thank you for the sharing!

  16. This is a really great article. and you have to lot of information about the blog post. thank you for the great information.

  17. Chevy Takes The Mic February 1, 2019 at 2:50 pm

    I took your advice and used two of you blog post ideas. They’ll go live on my blog later on this month so I hope my readers will love it. Thanks for sharing these ideas!

    1. Jacinda Santora
      Jacinda Santora February 4, 2019 at 6:20 am

      Awesome! Definitely let us know how it goes!

  18. really useful info for developing my blog

  19. Wonderful article thanks

  20. Rupinder Kaur May 19, 2019 at 1:11 pm

    Thank you, this is really useful.

  21. Michael Torres August 6, 2019 at 1:21 am

    Great blog post ideas.

  22. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing such a piece of good information for guest bloggers.

    1. Jacinda Santora
      Jacinda Santora August 22, 2019 at 5:38 am

      Hey, Maria! I’m glad that you found it useful… If you’re interested in tips specifically for guest bloggers check out our guest blogging strategy guide.

  23. Can’t thanks more – A newbie blogger ?

  24. Thank you so much for this information
    I was having issues on how to keep coming up with useful ideas but this just put me through

  25. I have a blog on my website. For me, the most important problem is finding an article topic that will be of interest to my readers. Thank you for this article, it helped me get answers to my questions about content.

  26. Gate Installation November 29, 2021 at 10:18 am

    Have a great idea i really like it keep it up! It’s very informative Thanks for sharing.

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