Are your campaigns generating the right number of leads and conversions? If there’s room for improvement, use OptinMonster’s MonsterLinks™ 2-step optin technology to turn your website into a lead generation machine.

MonsterLinks is one of our most effective campaign types, easily increasing conversions by 2x or more.

Case Study How Sportique Increased Conversions 200% with MonsterLinks

MonsterLinks turns any image or link into a 2-step optin campaign, with no coding required. When visitors click on the image or link, there’s a popup asking them to subscribe or buy.

This multi-step optin technology literally psychs your visitors into subscribing by using the Zeigarnik Effect. This psychology principle says when people start something, they’re more likely to finish it.

With MonsterLinks, when visitors click a link or button (starting a process), then they’re likely to finish the process and subscribe.

Using OptinMonster’s MonsterLinks technology also eliminates the natural dropoff that happens when visitors have to visit another page to subscribe, or complete an action.

Instead, they can take action immediately, which means any page where you use MonsterLinks automatically becomes a squeeze page for lead generation.

You don’t even need a special 2-step optin WordPress plugin to use MonsterLinks. Since OptinMonster works on all platforms, it will work no matter what CMS you use.

MonsterLinks™ for Publishers

One way that content publishers use MonsterLinks is to grow their email list by offering content upgrades.

Content upgrades are lead magnets created specifically for the readers of a particular post. They work because if visitors are reading an article, then they’re interested, and they’ll be interested in a related resource.

With a MonsterLinks 2-step optin, you can increase your conversion rate by offering great content BEFORE asking visitors to subscribe. This powerful technology creates an approachable process that makes visitors more likely to opt in.

By providing information before asking for a commitment, MonsterLinks 2-step optins increase the response rate. Some publishers have recorded an opt in rate of between 20 and 30%.

Case Study How Kindlepreneur Increased Customer Retention 72% Using Content Upgrades

MonsterLinks™ for Small Business

Small business owners often use MonsterLinks 2-step optins to improve lead quality so they can get more sales and boost revenue in the long term.

By using MonsterLinks to offer targeted campaigns, and combining it with OptinMonster’s high-converting Yes/No Forms, they can turn this multi-step optin technology into a powerful audience segmentation tool.

This process also helps you create a quick survey so you can learn more about your customers.

That means businesses can attract more engaged people, and increase the response rate for webinars, case studies and other lead generation tools.

And there’s no need to clutter up your website with multiple forms. By turning any link or image into a 2-step campaign, MonsterLinks lets you use the content you already have for lead generation.

Case Study How The US Student Loan Center Lifted Sales 10% By Using Two Step Optins

Ready to grow your email list and win more business? Get started with OptinMonster today.