VK – the place
to meet people

We bring people and businesses together around things that truly matter

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VK Company

We have connected our services together to make your experience even more enjoyable

  • Четыре человека сидят на лавочке и смотрят в телефон

    Favorite services on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte

    Enjoy games, find what you need, make friends, manage your health and do many other tasks while on a social network. You don't need to download a standalone app, all thanks to the VK Mini Apps platform.

  • Две девушки смотрят в планшет

    New skill or new career path

    Advance in your professional development and master new skills with Skillbox, GeekBrains and other online education platforms.

  • Девушка сидит на траве, разговаривает по телефону и смотрит в ноутбук

    Content from bloggers, authors and brands

    Short posts and longreads, educational and entertaining videos — all cherry-picked for your Dzen feed by smart algorithms.

  • Мужчина и женщина смотрят в ноутбук

    The place to meet fun

    Favorite songs and new releases on VK Music, trending videos, challenges and shows on VK Clips, games, streaming and eSports on VK Play.

  • Мужчина и женщина сидят в кафе и смотрят в телефоны

    Most popular Russian apps — all in one place

    Banking, online shopping, social networks, and much more — get access to the popular Russian services via RuStore.

  • VK Капсула с голосовым помощником Маруся

    Everything you need to be productive

    From Email to Calendar, we've put together all the essential services you need to get things done every day. And the Marusia voice assistant will help you with your tasks.

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