If you have a question, our FAQs may have the answer.

Is my organization or event eligible for funding? Let's Find Out!


General FAQs

Is my organization or event eligible for grant funding?

Requirements vary by program, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application.

To find out which grants your organization or event may qualify for and start your application, click here.

How do I apply for a grant?

Walmart.org supports work directly related to our philanthropic strategies and geographic focus. For others, we publish requests for proposals (RFPs), accept concept notes, or have an open application process.

Requirements vary, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application.

Read more about our grants and apply here.

Can an organization request a product donation or gift card(s) instead of a grant?

No. Only financial grants are available through our programs. Requests for in-kind donations (products and gift cards) should be made at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club facility.

If my organization has already received a grant from another giving program, can I still apply for funding?

Yes. Organizations are eligible for consideration through multiple giving programs at the same time, as long as the organization meets the criteria for each individual program.

Where do I find the Walmart.org logo and recognition guidelines if my organization has received a grant?

These are available in Cybergrants on your organization’s profile page, under Grantee Resources. Any announcement, logo usage or press release language requires prior approval. Please reach out to your program officer or the store manager to discuss plans for grant recognition and publicity.

Do you grant directly to individuals?

No. We do not make grants directly to individuals.

What areas or types of programs are not eligible for a grant?

We do not make grants directly to individuals. Other areas that we do not fund include:

  • Association/chamber memberships
  • Athletic sponsorships (teams/events)
  • Faith-based organizations when the proposed grant will only benefit the organization or its members
  • Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns
Can I request funding if my organization has a pending 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, or just recently obtained 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status but I’m receiving a system error?

No. Only organizations that are currently listed in the Internal Revenue Service's current 50-State Master File are eligible to receive funding. If you believe that a system error is preventing you from submitting an application, please contact the IRS at 1-877-829-5500 and request to be added to Publication 78, also known as the 50-State Master File.

Can I request funding if my organization is a private foundation or privately operating foundation?

No. Only organizations recognized as public charities (other than Type III supporting organizations) are eligible for funding.

How do I check the status of my grant application if I applied for a grant and haven’t heard back?

You’ll receive an e-mail notification as soon as funding decisions have been made. Please log into your Cybergrants profile page to see an overview of the applications submitted to date.

Who do I contact if I was awarded a grant but still have not received the check?

Grant checks will be mailed directly to the recipient organization at the address listed in the organization’s application. The timeline for check delivery depends on the program. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. If the grant was approved more than 6 weeks ago and the organization has yet to receive the check, please reach out to the facility or grant manager to submit a void/reissue request.

Who do I contact if I would like to schedule a grant award recognition event?

Organizations should contact their grant manager or local facility from which funds were awarded to schedule a recognition event.

How do I contact the Walmart.org team?

Please fill out this form to contact the Walmart.org team.

Where can I learn more about Walmart.org’s latest news?

Read more about Walmart.org’s latest news by visiting our homepage and referencing “Our Impact" or visiting "Latest News" under "Who We Are" menu.

Is there a difference between the Walmart Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation?

Yes. Sam and Helen Walton established the Walton Family Foundation in 1987, which operates independently of Walmart and the philanthropic efforts funded by the Walmart Foundation.

Local Community Grants FAQs

What organizations are eligible to apply for the Local Community Grant program?

Organizations applying must meet the one of following criteria:

  • An organization holding a current tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, listed on the IRS Master File and conduct activities within the United States, classified as a public charity under Section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) (Type I or II); and CyberGrants FrontDoor verified.
  • A recognized government entity: state, county, or city agency, including law enforcement or fire departments, that are requesting funds exclusively for public purposes; and CyberGrants FrontDoor verified.
  • A K-12 public or private school, charter school, community/junior college, state/private college or university and CyberGrants FrontDoor verified.
  • A church or other faith-based organization with a proposed project that benefits the community at large such as food pantries, soup kitchens, clothing closets, etc. and CyberGrants FrontDoor verified.
  • Non-charities, including organizations recognized as 501(c)(4)s, (c)(6)s, and (c)(19)s like homeowner’s associations, civic leagues, or volunteer fire companies, are not eligible at this time.
How do I apply for a Local Community Grant?

Requirements vary, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application. Apply for a Local Community Grant here.

What Is FrontDoor?

Walmart uses a third party called FrontDoor, powered by CyberGrants to validate and verify that a nonprofit is in good standing, and that each individual associated with the organization is deemed an "authorized user" from that organization. Once an organization is FrontDoor verified, the organization may access other benefits by other companies in the FrontDoor ecosystem.  

Why Does FrontDoor Ask for Banking Information?

CyberGrants FrontDoor asks for banking information purely as a way of confirming that the person who is trying to claim the organization is, in fact, an authorized member of the organization.

While organizations will have the option to choose a disbursement preference after the ownership registration is approved, currently Walmart only offers the “Check” option (physical check to be mailed). In the future, Walmart hopes to switch to ACH payment to expedite funding requests.

Can an organization that is a unit of local government (no taxes filed) apply for a Local Community Grant?

A unit of local government, such as a police department or fire department, can apply for a Community Grant. Please see guidelines on eligible funding through the program.

If my organization has received funding through another program, can I still apply for funding through the Local Community Grant program?

Yes. Organizations are eligible for consideration through multiple giving programs at the same time, as long as the organization meets the criteria for each individual program.

Can I apply for Local Community Grants from multiple Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs and Logistics facilities?

Yes. You can submit applications to multiple facilities. However, your proposed programs must directly benefit the service area of each facility to which you are applying, and organizations are limited to 25 applications.

Through the Local Community Grant program, can I receive funding from a facility more than once per fiscal year?

No. Once you have received funding from a facility for this program, you are not eligible to reapply at that facility until the next fiscal year. This year’s grant cycle begins Feb. 1, 2022 and ends Jan. 31, 2023. Please note that the application deadline is Dec. 31, 2022.

Why are scholarships excluded from the Local Community Grant program?

Walmart and the Walmart Foundation provide opportunities for students by supporting nonprofits that provide scholarships, such as United Negro College Fund, Asian Pacific Islander College Fund, American Indian College Fund and Hispanic Scholarship Fund.

Can an organization request a product donation or gift card instead of a grant through the Local Community Grant program?

No, only financial grants are available through this program. Requests for in-kind donations (product and gift cards) should be made at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club facility.

Where do I go for assistance if I’m receiving a technical error when trying to apply for a Local Community Grant?

Please email [email protected] or click on the Need Support button at the bottom of the application page for assistance with technical issues.

How will I know if I have been selected to receive a Local Community Grant?

You will receive an e-mail notification once funding decisions have been made. It will be sent to the email address associated with the application in Cybergrants. Each facility manager may set the frequency and process in which application determinations are made.

Who do I contact if I was awarded a Local Community Grant but still have not received the check?

Grant checks will be mailed directly to the recipient organization at the address listed in the organization’s application. Please allow four to six weeks for delivery. If the grant was approved more than six weeks ago and the organization has yet to receive the check, please reach out to the facility manager to submit a void/reissue request.

Who do I contact if I was awarded a Local Community Grant and would like to schedule a grant award recognition event?

Organizations should contact the local facility from which funds were awarded to schedule a recognition event.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the status of a Local Community Grant?

Please allow up to 60 days for your application to be reviewed. If it has been more than 60 days, please contact your local facility manager or co-manager.

Northwest Arkansas Giving FAQs

Who is eligible for the Northwest Arkansas Giving program?

Organizations that operate in Benton County and/or Washington County of Northwest Arkansas are eligible to apply for a grant.

How do I apply for a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant?

Requirements vary, so it’s important to review eligibility requirements and program guidelines before starting your application. Apply for a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant here.

Can I apply for a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant if my organization is not headquartered in Northwest Arkansas?

Yes. However, your proposed programs must directly benefit Benton County and/or Washington County.

What are the focus areas for Northwest Arkansas Giving?

Investments in Northwest Arkansas are focused around growing long-term capacity and capabilities of the region. Learn more about the current focus areas.

When are the deadlines for Northwest Arkansas Giving?

Deadlines are posted on the website annually. View this year’s deadlines.

If my organization has received funding through another program, can I still apply for funding through Northwest Arkansas Giving?

Yes. Organizations are eligible for consideration through multiple giving programs at the same time, as long as the organization meets the criteria for each individual program.

Can an organization request a product donation or gift card instead of a grant through the Northwest Arkansas Giving program?

No. Only financial grants are available through the Northwest Arkansas Giving program. Requests for in-kind donations (product and gift cards) should be made at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club facility.

How will I know if I have been selected to receive a grant from the Northwest Arkansas Giving program?

You will receive an e-mail notification to the email address associated with the application in Cybergrants once funding decisions have been made.

If selected for funding through Northwest Arkansas Giving, how do I receive my grant check?

If approved, grant checks will be mailed directly to the recipient organization at the address listed in the grant application. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the status of a Northwest Arkansas Giving grant?

Please allow up to 30 days for your application to be reviewed. If it has been more than 30 days, please contact [email protected].

Concept Note FAQs

How do I submit a concept note?

The majority of our funding is proactive and made to U.S. tax-exempt organizations or equivalent organizations operating internationally that are independently identified by our staff. Program-related concept notes are only accepted for the Healthier Food for All focus area.

When will I be notified about the status of my concept note?

Following review of your concept note, if we are interested in pursuing a full request, we will reach out directly to invite a full proposal/additional information.

What are the deadlines to submit a concept note?

There are no deadlines. Concept notes are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Following review of your concept note, if your program aligns with our funding priorities, a full proposal requesting additional information will be invited.

Am I eligible to submit a concept note if my organization has received a grant through another giving program?

Yes. Organizations are eligible for consideration through multiple giving programs at the same time. However, program-related concept notes are only accepted for the Healthier Food for All focus area.

If the focus area of the proposed program falls outside of these program-related concept note focus areas, will my application be considered?

No. Organizations and proposed programs must fall within the stated focus areas described here.

If I receive a grant through the concept note application, am I required to submit a report detailing how the grant was used?

Yes. All grant recipients are required to submit an impact report detailing how the grant was used and what outcomes were achieved. The impact report is accessible in Cybergrants. Grantees are not eligible to reapply until the impact report has been received.

Global Giving FAQs

How do I apply for a Local Community Grant if my organization is located outside the U.S.?

Walmart gives back to communities in the international markets where we operate through locally managed giving programs. To apply, please locate your country on this list to find the appropriate Walmart website.

What is FCPA?

FCPA is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. If the proposed grant includes any activities to be conducted outside the United States, the grantee must indicate that fact on the grant proposal.

When applying, organizations should carefully assess if any activities, including travel or subcontractor work, will be conducted outside the U.S. If so, please indicate “yes” on any questions relating to international activities or international distribution of funds when submitting the grant proposal.

Am I required to sign a certification that my organization is in compliance with FCPA?

Yes. Annually all grantees conducting activities outside the U.S. need to sign a certification that they are still in FCPA compliance with certain representations in the grant agreement.

What is Expenditure Responsibility (ER) and what responsibilities does it mean for my organization?

If an international organization is not a US 501(c)(3) publicly supported charity, the team must demonstrate that the non-U.S. grantee is the “equivalent” of a U.S. public charity (“equivalency determination”) or exercise “expenditure responsibility” (ER).

ER requires a pre-grant inquiry to demonstrate that organization is capable of fulfilling the charitable purposes of the grant. For example, the team will investigate whether the organization received and managed funds from a US 501(c)(3) organization in the past.

Additional and more frequent reporting, along with additional financial management controls, may be required of ER grantees. The Walmart Foundation is required to report information on each of its ER grants to the IRS on the Foundation’s tax return, including the grant amount, date, amount expended, date of last grantee report, etc.

Can Expenditure Responsibility (ER) be used domestically, or just internationally?

The ER process may be used when the Walmart Foundation reviews a proposed grant to any non-501(c)(3) organization. Typically, the Walmart Foundation uses ER for international organizations invited to submit proposals.

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How to apply for a grant
Issues with Spark Good grant application, Front Door or the non-profit portal on Walmart.com
Local Community Grant Program check issues
Status of grant applications
In-kind product/gift card donations & support for individuals
Getting started with Walmart.com Spark Good
Walmart customer issues/questions