Applications and Instructions

*Please go to the following website to submit a permit application for any projects within the State of Iowa:

(This will forward the application both to the Corps and Iowa DNR)

*To submit questions via email please send to: [email protected]

IL Application
Requirements for State of IL

*To submit application via email please send to: [email protected]

MO Application
MO Instructions

*To submit application via email please send to: [email protected]

USACE Permit Finder

Obtaining a Permit

What should I do if my project will impact wetlands or other waters of the United States?

First, any proposed project or other activity should be designed to avoid and minimize any disturbance to the wetland, stream, or other aquatic area, as much as is practicable before applying for a permit from the Corps. Avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands or other aquatic areas can include locating any activity away from the wetland area, establishing buffer zones and protecting the quality of the water that may be discharged into wetlands. If impacts to wetlands or any other water of the United States are proposed, apply for a permit.

Corps Permits

Applications for proposed projects submitted to the Corps will generally fall under one of 3 types of application processes: 

  1.  Nationwide Permits are a series of general permits issued by the Corps for minor projects in certain areas. All nationwide permits have special conditions which must be met in order for a project to qualify for nationwide permit status. Some nationwide permits also require pre-construction notification to the Corps prior to the initiation of any activities.
  2.  Regional Permits are a type of general permit as defined in 33 CFR 322.2(f) and 33 CFR 323.2(n).  They may be issued by a division or district engineer after compliance with the other procedures of this regulation.  
  3.  Individual Permits are required if your project does not fall under the criteria for a general permit or letter of permission. If your project requires an individual permit, the Corps issues a Public Notice advising all interested parties of the proposed activity. This Public Notice process helps the Corps to evaluate the probable impact of the project as part of the public interest review.