NUS Highlights

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, impacted society and transformed lives for the better.

President's Welcome

We are Singapore’s flagship university. We hope you will be inspired by the many fascinating facets that make NUS a leading global university centred in Asia.

NUS President

Shaping the Future

“At NUS, we are moving boldly — and concertedly — to expand tomorrow's frontiers. We believe that we have the power to shape the future, for the better.”

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Thought Leadership

Distinguished thought leaders, movers and shakers in Singapore and across the globe gather regularly on campus to share their insights and engage in intellectual discourse.

What’s best for S’pore consumers – competition or market dominance?

What’s best for S’pore consumers – competition or market dominance?

An oligopolistic market structure – involving a handful of dominant industry players – may have its merits. It can help the country stay nimble and drive change quickly, as it only requires getting these few players to shift the entire market and influence consumer behaviour. Professor Sumit Agarwal shares insights on this topic.

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More power to gig workers – a key step towards a better platform economy

More power to gig workers – a key step towards a better platform economy

The Singapore Government unveiled a framework for formal representation of platform workers in negotiations vis-à-vis platform operators. This is an important step forward in protecting the interests of platform workers, who form a significant and growing segment of the workforce. Associate Professor (Practice) Terence Ho, from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS, shares his views.

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CoRE Conversation

CoRE Conversation with Dr Murray Lumpkin
8:00 PM