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gookit/goutil — released v0.6.10, an extension library of common Go features

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Abnormal programming **nix *Go *

gookit/goutil An extended library of Go's common functionality. Contains: number, string, slice/array, Map, struct, reflection, text, file, error, time and date, test, CLI, command run, system information, formatting, common information acquisition, etc.

Github: https://github.com/gookit/goutil

v0.6.10 change log

Full changelog v0.6.9...v0.6.10

✨ New features

  • ✨ feat: testutil - adds a new child package fakeobj to create fake objects for testing

  • ✨ feat: testutil - adds a new function NewEchoServer() to start the echo server

  • ✨ feat: byteutil - Buffer adds more useful methods for ease of use

  • ✨ feat: dump - Special handling of custom int, uint type values, will print instructions in String format

  • ✨ feat: fsutil - adds a new function to Glob() quickly list matching files

  • ♻️ feat: httpreq - Refactoring the built-in HTTP client httpreq logic

👔 Update Adjustments

  • 👔 up: structs - Update and support InitDefaults() for struct slice fields that are not null

  • 👔 up: maputil - SimpleMerge() Supports deep merging of map[string]any data

Other adjustments

  • ✅ test: Update some documentation and fix some unit tests

  • ⬆️ dep: Update golang.org/x depends on the latest version

Some feature usage examples

dump - prints custom types

dump - special handles custom int, uint type values, and will print instructions in String format

dump custom_type.png
dump custom_type.png

Initialize the struct

  • Support for initializing the use of environment variables

  • Support initializing slice fields and nesting structs

type ExtraDefault struct {
    City   string `default:"some where"`
    Github string `default:"${ GITHUB_ADDR }"`

type User struct {
    Name  string        `default:"inhere"`
    Age   int           `default:"300"`
    Extra *ExtraDefault `default:""` // mark: need init

optFn := func(opt *structs.InitOptions) {
    opt.ParseEnv = true

obj := &User{}
err := structs.InitDefaults(obj, optFn)


** Initialization result:**

&structs_test.User {
  Name: string("inhere"), #len=6
  Age: int(300),
  Extra: &structs_test.ExtraDefault {
    City: string("some where"), #len=10
    Github: string("https://some .... url"), #len=21

Test with Echo Server

Use testutil.NewEchoServer() to quickly create an HTTP echo server. Convenient for testing HTTP requests, responses, etc.

Usage examples:

var testSrvAddr string

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    s := testutil.NewEchoServer()
    defer s.Close()

    testSrvAddr = "http://" + s.Listener.Addr().String()
    fmt.Println("server addr:", testSrvAddr)


func TestNewEchoServer(t *testing.T) {
    // can direct request the echo server
    r, err := http.Post(testSrvAddr, "text/plain", strings.NewReader("hello!"))
    assert.NoErr(t, err)

    // binding response to the testutil.EchoReply
    rr := testutil.ParseRespToReply(r)
    assert.Eq(t, "POST", rr.Method)
    assert.Eq(t, "text/plain", rr.ContentType())
    assert.Eq(t, "hello!", rr.Body)

v0.6.9 change log

Full changelog v0.6.8...v0.6.9

✨ New features

  • strutil - Added ToByteSize(),SafeByteSize() for converting size string (eg: 5MB) to byte size

  • strutil has added ParseSizeRange() to facilitate and quickly parse string size range expressions eg: 200kb~50mb

  • strutil - Added new utility functions: DatetimeNo(), RandWithTpl(), SimpleMatch()

  • byteutil - Add new utility functions: Random(), AppendAny()

  • fsutil - Add new utility functions: ReadOrErr(), ReadStringOrErr()

  • cliutil - Add new utility functions: Confirm(), ReadAsBool()

  • errorx - Add new utility functions Err(), Errf() for easy creation of error

  • structs - InitDefaults() enhanced to support nested structure pointer initialization

  • structs - SetValues() enhanced to support setting and processing structure pointer values

  • structs - Add ToSMap(), TryToSMap(), TryToSMap() to convert structure to string map

  • testutil/assert new assertion methods NotContainsKey(), NotContainsKeys()

  • Reflects new utility methods UnexportedValue(), SetUnexportedValue()

  • maputil new tool functions HasOneKey(), CombineToMap(), TryAnyMap()

  • Added utility functions AnyToSlice(), CombineToMap() in arrutil

  • jsonutil has added tool methods IsJSON(), IsJSONFast() to check whether it is JSON

  • ♻️ fsutil/finder file and directory search reconstruction, enhanced functions, more convenient to use

  • timex new utility functions NowAddSec(), IsDuration(), InRange()

  • timex ToDuration() enhanced, support unit d, w and long unit hour, min, sec

  • mathutil new tool methods InRange(), OutRange(), InUintRange()

  • fsutil new tool method RemoveSub() to quickly delete subdirectories and files

  • maputil GetByPath() is enhanced to support matching paths similar to top.*.field to get values

👔 Update adjustments

  • strutil optimization ToByteSize() and GlobMatch() logic

  • struts - InitDefaults() supports initializing non-zero ptr substructure fields

  • 💥 struts - InitDefaults() To initialize a substructure, the field must be marked with default:""

Other adjustments

  • 📝 doc: README documentation updated, some subpackages added README

  • ✅ test: Added and fixed some unit tests

  • ⬆️ dep: update golang.org/x dependencies to latest version

Some feature usage examples

finder 文件查找使用

fsutil/finder Provides a simple and fast way to find matching files and directories.

  • Built-in support Name, extension, suffix, prefix, glob, path, etc. include or exclude

  • Support matching file size, modification time (ModTime) and other extended matching methods

ff := finder.NewFinder("/path/to/dir/").
    // OnlyFindDir(). // default find files
    Include(finder.HumanModTime("<10m")). // latest 10 minutes, to Now
    Include(finder.HumanSize("500kb~10mb")) // limit file size

// Find() returns chan, can be for handling
for el := range f.Find() {


It is easy to parse the string size range to byte size.

opt := &strutil.ParseSizeOpt{}

mix, max, err := strutil.ParseSizeRange("1kb~1mb", opt)
fmt.Println(min, max) // OUTPUT: 1024, 1048576

Examples of supported expression formats:

"1KB~2MB"       => 1KB to 2MB
"-1KB"          => <1KB
"~1MB"          => <1MB
"< 1KB"         => <1KB
"1KB"           => >1KB
"1KB~"          => >1KB
">1KB"          => >1KB
"+1KB"          => >1KB


timex.ParseRange() It is easy to quickly parse the relative time size range or keyword into time.Time

start, end, err := ParseRange("-1h~1h", nil)

fmt.Println(start, end)

Examples of supported expression formats:

"-5h~-1h"           => 5 hours ago to 1 hour ago
"1h~5h"             => 1 hour after to 5 hours after
"-1h~1h"            => 1 hour ago to 1 hour after
"-1h"               => 1 hour ago to feature. eq "-1h~"
"-1h~0"             => 1 hour ago to now.
"< -1h" OR "~-1h"   => 1 hour ago.
"> 1h" OR "1h"      => 1 hour after to feature

// keyword: now, today, yesterday, tomorrow
"today"          => today start to today end
"yesterday"      => yesterday start to yesterday end
"tomorrow"       => tomorrow start to tomorrow end

More usage

For more instructions, see Unit tests for README and related methods

Github: https://github.com/gookit/goutil

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