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Mental and Behavioral Health

Mental and Behavioral Health

Last updated, March 2023

We care deeply about the well-being of our community members and want to be a source of happiness, enrichment, and belonging. We welcome people coming together to find connections, participate in shared experiences, and feel part of a broader community. We work to make sure this occurs in a supportive space that does not negatively impact people’s physical or psychological health.

Suicide and Self-Harm

We want TikTok to be a place where people can discuss emotionally complex topics in a supportive way without increasing the risk of harm. We do not allow showing, promoting, or sharing plans for suicide or self-harm.

If you or someone you know has had thoughts of suicide or self-harm, support is available. Contact a suicide prevention helpline in your region or your local emergency services. We may contact local emergency services, if there is a specific, credible, and imminent threat to human life or serious physical injury, such as sharing details about a plan to harm oneself.

NOT allowed

  • Showing, promoting, or providing instructions on suicide and self-harm, and related challenges, dares, games, and pacts
  • Showing or promoting suicide and self-harm hoaxes
  • Sharing plans for suicide and self-harm


  • Sharing messages of hope and stories of personal experiences overcoming suicide and self-harm urges (as long as there is no mention of suicide or self-harm methods)
  • Sharing suicide and self-harm prevention content, such as information on suicide warning signs and how to access professional help
  • Sharing accurate information that is trying to reduce panic about suicide hoaxes

Disordered Eating and Body Image

We want TikTok to be a place that encourages self-esteem, and does not promote negative social comparisons. We do not allow showing or promoting disordered eating or any dangerous weight loss behaviors.

Content is age-restricted if it shows cosmetic surgery and does not include risk warnings.

Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorders, are serious and may be life-threatening. If you or someone you know is experiencing concerns about body image, food, or exercise, support is available. Contact a helpline in your region.

Disordered eating includes extreme dieting or fasting, bingeing, and intentional vomiting.

Dangerous weight loss behaviors include compulsive exercise, and using potentially harmful medication or supplements.

NOT allowed

  • Showing, promoting, or requesting coaching for disordered eating and other dangerous weight loss behaviors
  • Showing or describing extremely low-calorie daily food consumption, and diets associated with disordered eating
  • Showing or promoting unhealthy body measurement and “body checking” trends, such as comparing body part size to household objects

Age-restricted (18 years and older)

  • Showing or promoting cosmetic surgery that does not include risk warnings, including before-and-after images, videos of surgical procedures, and messages discussing elective cosmetic surgery


  • Showing or describing competitive eating contests, such as hot dog and pie-eating contests
  • Showing or describing fitness routines and nutrition that are not primarily focused on extreme weight loss, such as preparing for competitive sports, marathon training, and body building competitions
  • Showing or describing reconstructive or medically necessary surgery, such as including before-and-after images of the repair of a cleft lip, breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, and gender affirmation surgery

Dangerous Activities and Challenges

We welcome when our community collectively participates in fun and creative trends. Most activities or challenges are appropriate for everyone and bring people together, but some carry a risk of significant injury. We do not allow showing or promoting dangerous activities and challenges. This includes dares, games, tricks, inappropriate use of dangerous tools, eating substances that are harmful to one’s health, or similar activities that may lead to significant physical harm.

Content is age-restricted if it shows activities that are likely to be imitated and may lead to any physical harm. Content is ineligible for the FYF if it involves activities that are likely to lead to moderate physical harm, or includes professionals who are performing extreme sports and stunts that may endanger others.

To help you manage your TikTok experience, we also apply warning information to this type of content. If you see a dangerous activity or challenge, pause for a moment to stop and think before you decide and act. Learn more about what to do if you see an online challenge.

Dangerous activities and challenges include dares, games, tricks, and other acts performed by non-professionals that carry inherent or known risks and which may result in significant physical harm.

Significant physical harm typically requires professional medical treatment and creates a risk of temporary or permanent disability or disfigurement. This includes dislocated or broken bones, poisoning, loss of consciousness, serious burns, electrocution, concussion, and choking.

Moderate physical harm is unlikely to require professional medical treatment and does not create a risk of disability or disfigurement. This includes small cuts with minimal blood loss and minor bruising on the body.

NOT allowed

  • Showing dangerous activities that involve visible or imminent significant physical harm, or promoting dangerous activities
  • Showing or promoting the inappropriate use of dangerous tools, such as knives, axes, chainsaws, and welding torches
  • Showing or promoting the eating or drinking of substances that are dangerous for humans to consume, such as rocks and detergent
  • Showing or promoting dangerous driving behavior, such as exceeding the speed limit, running a red light, and distracted driving (including posing for a picture and live streaming while driving)

Age-restricted (18 years and older)

  • Showing activities that are likely to be imitated and may lead to any physical harm

FYF ineligible

  • Showing activities that involve visible or imminent moderate physical harm, or promoting activities that are likely to lead to moderate physical harm
  • Showing extreme sports or stunts performed by professionals in public spaces, such as jumps and tricks in skateboarding and freestyle bicycle motocross (BMX)


  • Using weapons, such as spears and shields, in ceremonial settings, religious festivals, and cultural performances