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We implant an artificial lens (you will need it after 60 years)

Reading time 11 min
Views 1.1K
Клиника офтальмологии доктора Шиловой corporate blog Biotechnologies Health

The lens in your eye can change its optical power: when you focus somewhere on the vision, this is what happens. Payback for the «moving parts of the mechanism» — wear with age. At about 40-45 years old, problems usually begin with age-related visual impairment; in 60-70 years, you need up to three pairs of different points. At the same time, the clarity of view is reduced due to the process of sclerosis and lens opacity — it is worth thinking about replacing the lens, until it becomes dim and becomes completely rigid.

To date, the technology of replacing the lens is standardized and well developed. Potential risks are generally somewhat higher than with laser vision correction, but at present this type of surgery is performed even on transparent lenses with refractive purpose (when the patient does not like to wear glasses with thick glasses), that is, it is quite a “household” task for ophthalmology.
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Most Popular JS Frameworks Overview

Reading time 6 min
Views 4.5K
Website development *JavaScript *Angular *ReactJS *VueJS *

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language. It supports event-driven, functional, and imperative, including object-oriented and prototype-based, programming styles. JavaScript was initially used only for client side. These days JavaScript is used as a server-side programming language as well. To summarize in just one simple sentence — JavaScript is the language of the web.

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Scaling Culture as the Key to Getting Eyeballs on Your Brand

Reading time 4 min
Views 624
vscextv corporate blog Community management *Display advertising *Content-marketing *Media management *
The Web is a blessing and a curse. It’s the greatest publishing platform ever devised, it offers accessibility and allows for the free flow of information. On the other hand, it has made getting actual exposure even harder. Yet, some brands still mistake the former for the latter and continue to pursue traditional marketing strategies.

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How to climb a tree

Reading time 20 min
Views 865
PVS-Studio corporate blog C++ *

Picture 2

Rather, how to get down from it. But first things first. This article stands out a bit of the usual format of articles from PVS-Studio. We often write about checking other projects, but almost never lift the veil on our inner workings. It's time to rectify this omission and talk about how the analyzer is built from the inside. More precisely, about the most important of its parts — the syntax tree. The article will focus on the part of PVS-Studio that relates to the C and C++ languages.
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Future of PHP: Bright or Dull?

Reading time 4 min
Views 3.3K
PHP *Programming *

PHP is a popular scripting language founded in 1995 designed to perform several functions. Do you think the essence of PHP has faded away since the newer programming languages and frameworks have come into the market?

If you think so, then let me tell you that your perception is totally wrong! In fact, in the contemporary market of custom software development, it has become the most popular language in server-side programming.

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How to cook reactive programming. Part 1: Unidirectional architectures introduction

Reading time 7 min
Views 1.9K
Development for iOS *Functional Programming *Xcode *Swift *Mobile applications design *

Recently I wrote an article What is Reactive Programming? iOS Edition where in a simple way I described how to build your own Reactive Framework, and helped you to understand that no-one should be scared by the reactive approach. The previous article could now be named How to cook reactive programming. Part 0., since this is a continuation. I would recommend reading the previous article if you are not familiar with the reactive programming concepts.

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Top 10 IoT Healthcare Solution Providers You Can Trust in 2020

Reading time 7 min
Views 4.5K
Development for IOT *IOT
The role of IoT in the healthcare industry has been transformed by top IoT healthcare solution providers. IoT healthcare companies have created a path for new innovation, smarter systems and digital healthcare solutions.

As stated by the Market Insights Reports,The global IoT in healthcare market was valued at $55.5 billion in 2019.The report also suggested that the market would grow at a CAGR of over 25% during the forecast period of 2019 to 2026. Moreover, with the current global pandemic of COVID-19, top healthcare IoT companies are vying opportunities to further this growth and invent newer IoT healthcare solutions.


In this article, we take a look at the top 10 IoT healthcare solution providers. These top healthcare IoT companies endorse smart healthcare solutions such as remote patient monitoring systems, IoT healthcare apps and other digital healthcare solutions. These inventions attain an exceptional opportunity to improve the quality of treatments, which eventually will improve the health of the patients.

So, here are the new-age innovators of the healthcare industry – The Top 10 IoT Healthcare Companies:

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Building a Food Delivery App

Reading time 7 min
Views 1.5K
NIX corporate blog Development of mobile applications *Development Management *
This is the year that everything changed. Companies, and people around the world have been impacted by COVID19 and the way we live, and work has been altered. Organizations have had to react quickly to these changes and many businesses have had to make drastic changes simply to stay afloat.

However, while many businesses were negatively impacted, some areas of the economy have benefited from these changes. One of the areas that has possibly benefited the most is the online delivery industry. This is primarily due to the changes that the governments around the world are mandating of their citizens.

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The secret of managing a remote team: 6 tips for CTOs

Reading time 5 min
Views 680
Project management *
The coronavirus pandemic has triggered many changes in human life. One of the new trends is that billions of people are moving into remote working mode. This requires new approaches to speed up unprecedented digital and organizational transformation, which aims to preserve human capital as the main business asset during the crisis.

According to Josh Bersin, a leading world-renowned HR analyst, and Diane Gerson, IBM's top HR manager, which they gave the recent joint webinar, at this time of crisis the rescue of companies will fall on the shoulders of HR directors, as once, in 2008, companies were obliged to the rescue of their CFOs.

Vitaly Kukharenko — entrepreneur, experienced professional in the field of artificial intelligence, one of the founders of the popular language platform and brain training startup, shares his experience and gives recommendations in the field of remote working group management.
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Is Agile possible for the whole company?

Reading time 19 min
Views 1.5K
Agile *

Ten years ago, a young project manager had a successful experience in implementing something similar to Scrum in one of the insurance companies. There is more than enough enthusiasm. Colleagues from the tech department strongly supported me. The developer's background was helpful too. But at some point, an impenetrable wall appeared: the Agile approach worked inside IT, but it did not work outside. It needed synchronization with other departments and a change in the way the company worked. A full transition did not happen, but a year ago, it was possible to implement Agile transformation on another project in a financial organization with more than 100 people. Is this possible?
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8 amazing new trends in the English language

Reading time 3 min
Views 5K
Learning languages

I’ve searched high and low in an attempt to find current trends and recent changes in the English language, but have faced only articles about what has changed since the time of Shakespeare. So, I’ve decided that I’d rather present the data I’ve gathered myself throughout years of teaching by method of observation.
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Looking back at 3 months of the global traffic shapeshifting

Reading time 9 min
Views 3.1K
Qrator Labs corporate blog Information Security *IT Infrastructure *Network technologies *
There would be no TL;DR in this article, sorry.

Those have been three months that genuinely changed the world. An entire lifeline passed from February, 1, when the coronavirus pandemics just started to spread outside of China and European countries were about to react, to April, 30, when nations were locked down in quarantine measures almost all over the entire world. We want to take a look at the repercussions, cyclic nature of the reaction and, of course, provide DDoS attacks and BGP incidents overview on a timeframe of three months.

In general, there seems to be an objective pattern in almost every country’s shift into the quarantine lockdown.
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The magic of Virtualization: Proxmox VE introductory course

Reading time 8 min
Views 2.4K
Selectel corporate blog System administration *

Today, I am going to explain how to quickly deploy several virtual servers with different operating systems on a single physical server without much effort. This will enable any system administrator to manage the whole corporate IT infrastructure in a centralized manner and save a huge amount of resources.
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Cataract: it is waiting for you personally (if you live, of course)

Reading time 10 min
Views 823
Клиника офтальмологии доктора Шиловой corporate blog Biotechnologies Health

This is a model of an intraocular multifocal lens from Carl Zeiss. The real size of such a lens is 11 millimeters, the diameter of the optical zone is 6 mm.

The cataract is, simplifying, age opacification and consolidation of a crystalline lens. According to the classical definition, we are talking about the turbidity of any type. First, something gets in the field of view, a general “fog” appears, you want to wipe dirty glasses, then you do not see the letters in the book, then you want to turn on the light brighter or, on the contrary, you hide from the bright light, and then wake up one fine morning and understand that you can not find slippers. And you see nothing at all — only the shadows. This process sometimes stretches for many years, but slippers are still lost. Mention of clouding that develops in the eyeball, there are still thousands of years before our era.

The treatment procedure has historically been very peculiar — reclination of a cloudy lens. The doctor took the patient with a very dense lens — to that dense stage that the patient is already blind. During the excavations of the settlements of ancient Greece and Rome, the tools used by doctors to remove cataracts were found — sharp needles that pierced the eye and lens, destroying its supporting apparatus. The lens could come off and, by virtue of its gravity, could also fall down from hitting the back of the head with a heavy stick several times. Sometimes the patient died during the emergency eye care, sometimes he had a concussion, and sometimes the lens fell off the ligaments and flew deep into the eye. The patient began to see again — he had a huge lump and vision of about +10 +15 diopters.

Now two news. The bad — people began to live to cataracts more often, and it is inevitable. Good — we have something better than sharp needles and a heavy stick.
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The QC House of Cards

Reading time 4 min
Views 509
Cloud computing *Big Data *Popular science Quantum technologies
There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills

Gold rushes can make people crazy. 1848 was enough of an indicator of that. When Sam Brannan announced to the world: ‘Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!’, half the world’s population (or so it seemed to the tiny California population which lived there at the time) descended on the soon to be the newest state of the union.

San Francisco, before a small hamlet with a few hundred pioneers living there, became a centre of vice, murder and debauchery overnight.


Two hundred years before tulip mania hit Europe, and like in California with its argonauts or 49ers, it impoverished more than it made rich. In the early 2000s, too, the Dot.Com bubble created a speculative tendency in people when irrationality took over all reason.
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From four to thirty two. Early years of computers and networks in Russia

Reading time 38 min
Views 1.4K
History of IT

Part I: From four to eight

I like to read the memoirs of people who observed the computers taking first steps in their countries. They always have something romantic about them. Usually, such memories are greatly influenced by the circumstances of that encounter with his first computer: it could be the workplace, or education establishment, it could be just an unexpected and random thing.

Like many of my friends, I was lucky to see the end of that special romantic period, when computer makers were not trying to please the regular users. They were creating the devices with distinctive and unique features they thought were right for some of reasons. This approach is clear to see in both software and hardware. Such features were making the device to sell in millions or be a commercial failure.

It all started differently for different people. Some of them were working with buzzing massive computers that could fill an entire room, the others had desktop-style home computers. There were people, who made their first computer themselves using specialist magazine publications. Different types of computers created the variety of specific traditions, interests and subcultures.
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Locks in PostgreSQL: 1. Relation-level locks

Reading time 13 min
Views 12K
Postgres Professional corporate blog PostgreSQL *SQL *
The previous two series of articles covered isolation and multiversion concurrency control and logging.

In this series, we will discuss locks.

This series will consist of four articles:

  1. Relation-level locks (this article).
  2. Row-level locks.
  3. Locks on other objects and predicate locks.
  4. Locks in RAM.

The material of all the articles is based on training courses on administration that Pavel pluzanov and I are creating (mostly in Russian, although one course is available in English), but does not repeat them verbatim and is intended for careful reading and self-experimenting.

Many thanks to Elena Indrupskaya for the translation of these articles into English.

General information on locks

PostgreSQL has a wide variety of techniques that serve to lock something (or are at least called so). Therefore, I will first explain in the most general terms why locks are needed at all, what kinds of them are available and how they differ from one another. Then we will figure out what of this variety is used in PostgreSQL and only after that we will start discussing different kinds of locks in detail.
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Custom Web Development — Making Dream Business a Reality

Reading time 3 min
Views 837
Website development *Ruby *Ruby on Rails *CRM systems *Build automation *

Custom development is different from commercially distributed software or existing open source software. Individual development either creates a new application or expands the functionality of an existing one and can be executed by its own or third-party developers.

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External Interrupts in the x86 system. Part 3. Interrupt routing setup in a chipset, with the example of coreboot

Reading time 13 min
Views 4.8K
Open source *System Programming *C *

We continue to investigate external device interrupt routing setup in the x86 system.

In Part 1 (Interrupt controller evolution) we looked at the theory behind interrupt controllers and all the necessary terminology. In Part 2 (Linux kernel boot options) we looked at how in practice the OS chooses between different interrupt controllers. In this part we will investigate how the BIOS sets IRQ to the interrupt controllers routing in a chipset.

None of the modern BIOS developer companies (AwardBIOS/AMIBIOS/Insyde) open their source code. But luсkily there is coreboot — a project aimed at replacing proprietary BIOS with free firmware code. In its source code we'll see what is needed to setup the interrupt routing in a chipset.

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IT specialist's vision: what you personally need to know

Reading time 8 min
Views 718
Клиника офтальмологии доктора Шиловой corporate blog Biotechnologies Health

— Which is better: glasses, lenses or laser vision correction?
It is best to see without any means of correction. If you are completely satisfied with the glasses — keep calm, no other correction is needed. Lenses — this method of correction requires adherence to clear rules of use, which is ultimately more costly and risky, but it is very popular because the main dangers do not appear immediately after the start of wearing, but years later.

— I decided to stay on the glasses, but I am afraid that the car's pillow will open in my face and they will become contact lenses. What to do?
In my surgical experience, modern airbags do not injure eyeglasses. Eyes and face are usually damaged by windshield fragments. If you are concerned about the safety of glasses, then think about the modern, with polycarbonate lenses, they are incredibly durable, the car drives on crash tests.

— Is it true that all eye disease from the computer?
No, it's not true. The main cause of problems with optics — myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism — is genetics. Adverse environmental conditions, especially during long-term work at close range, are important in childhood, when the development of the organism is not yet complete. And such diseases as cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment and other diseases occur with the same frequency in those who work at the computer for hours and in those who do not know where the computer has a power button.
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