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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Mississippi Valley Division


Change of Command scheduled for Mississippi Valley Division
7/5/2023 UPDATED
Major General Diana M. Holland will transfer command of the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), to Brigadier General Kimberly Peeples in a formal change of command...
Mississippi Valley Division commander recognizes employees during division town hall
7/3/2023 UPDATED
Mississippi Valley Division’s commander, Major General Diana Holland recognized several employees at her final division-level town hall event...
Mississippi River Valley Division prepared for near-normal hurricane season
6/1/2023 UPDATED
Today marks the first official day of the 2023 hurricane season, which runs through Nov. 30. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts a near-normal season with a forecast of...



The USACE is preparing a supplemental environmental impact statement to address the impacts associated with the construction of remaining authorized work on the Mississippi River Mainline Levees (MRL) feature of the Mississippi River & Tributaries (MR&T) project.  The MRL is one of the major features of the MR&T Project used to provide comprehensive flood damage control, protection, and risk reduction from the Project Design Flood in the alluvial valley beginning at Cape Girardeau, Missouri to the Head of Passes, Louisiana.    

Click here for more information on the MRL SEISII, Notice of Intent and public scoping meetings.