Hurricanes Irma & Maria Recovery: U.S. Virgin Islands

Irma Recovery

The Wilmington District has deployed staff to the U.S. Virgin Islands working closely with local officials to coordinate preparedness and response activities.

The US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District is in constant contact with our federal, state, and local response partners to implement recovery responses.

The Corps conducts emergency response activities under two basic authorities:
  • Public Law 84-99 (Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies)
  • When mission assigned by FEMA under the Stafford Disaster and Emergency Assistance Act.

Under PL 84-99, we provide disaster preparedness services and advanced planning measures designed to reduce damage caused by an impending disaster.

Under the Stafford Act, we support the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA in carrying out the National Response Plan, which calls on 30 federal departments and agencies to provide coordinated disaster relief and recovery operations.

Blue Roof Logo

Call centers for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will be established as communications on the islands improve.

Operation Blue Roof 1-888-ROOF-BLU (7663-258) is a priority mission managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The purpose of Operation Blue Roof is to provide homeowners in disaster areas with fiber-reinforced sheeting to cover their damaged roofs until arrangements can be made for permanent repairs.

Emergency Management

Local: 910-251-4508

Toll Free: 1-800-626-8449 ext. 4508

Email: [email protected]

Blue Roof Contract


ATTN: Janis Persaud - 340-778-0200

PO Box 1656

Vitex Building, East Airport Road

St. Croix, VI 00851-1656

Debris Removal Contract

Ceres Environmental

POC:  John Ulschmid

Phone #:  612-281-4505

Email: [email protected]