Academic Journals

From its beginnings, the goal of the American Public University System’s scholarly publications has been to disseminate new research and findings from academic researchers across the globe. APUS journals cover a wide variety of disciplines from online learning to space education. All of our journals are double-blind peer-reviewed and are published biannually.

The first journal, Internet Learning, later changed in 2020 to the Journal of Online Learning & Practice (JOLRAP), was founded in the fall of 2012 and continues to grow in both contributions and readership. In the spring of 2015, Saber & Scroll, a journal focusing on any historical or military history topic, began publication. Saber & Scroll is unique as it offers a venue for scholarly submissions from APUS graduate and undergraduate students, as well as alumni.

Three years later in 2015, the Global Security & Intelligence Studies (GSIS) journal was developed to represent our longstanding leadership in this respective discipline. The third journal, the International Journal of Open Educational Resources (IJOER) was founded and is proudly recognized as the first journal devoted solely to open educational resources (OER) and to utilize Blockchain technology. The Space Education & Strategic Applications (SESA) journal presents APUS’s latest explorations into the space community, focusing on the most recent advances in space education and research, and space applications in this rapidly expanding field.

American Public University System understands the importance of the publication of scholarship within the academic community and will continue to expand knowledge and engage in intellectual discourse with our readership.  We look forward to continuing to lead scholarly publishing in new and innovative ways.

Global Security and Intelligence Studies

Global Security and Intelligence Studies is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, open access publication designed to provide a forum for the academic community and the community of practitioners to engage in dialogue about contemporary global security and intelligence issues. The journal welcomes contributions on a broad range of intelligence and security issues, and from across the methodological and theoretical spectrum. The journal especially encourages submissions that recognize the multidisciplinary nature of intelligence and security studies, and that draw on insights from a variety of fields to advance our understanding of important current intelligence and security issues. In keeping with the desire to help bridge the gap between academics and practitioners, the journal also invites articles about current intelligence and security related matters from a practitioner perspective. In particular, GSIS is interested in publishing informed perspectives on current intelligence and security related matters.

International Journal of Online Educational Resources

The International Journal of Open Educational Resources (IJOER) is a bi-annual, open access, double-blind peer-reviewed academic publication sponsored by the American Public University System (APUS) and the Policy Studies Organization. The aim of IJOER is to provide a venue for the publication of quality academic research with an emphasis on representing Open Educational Resources in teaching, learning, scholarship and policy.

Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice

The Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice (JOLRAP) seeks to explore a variety of emerging topics and questions related to teaching and learning in online and hybrid contexts across fields and discipline areas. The journal publishes articles that focus on aspects related to virtual instruction, technology integration, data, ethics, privacy, leadership, and more.

Saber and Scroll

The Saber and Scroll Historical Journal is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal which welcomes submissions from graduate and undergraduate students, as well as alumni on history or military history topics, book reviews and exhibit/museum reviews.

Space Education and Strategic Applications

Space Education and Strategic Applications is a peer reviewed, international, multidisciplinary, open-access journal intended to serve and inform the space community of most recent advances in Space Education, Space Research, and Space Applications in this rapidly expanding field. The Journal is published bi-annually. As an academic journal, SESA encourages the publication of advances in space research, education and applications.

Articles are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese when viewing individual issues.