PBA's Keenan speaks at VFW event.

PBA's Keenan speaks at VFW event. Photo left, Pine Bluff Arsenal's Commander Col. Collin K. Keenan was one of the guest speakers at the Pine Bluff Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4455 Veterans Service Appreciation Day May 6. The event was held at the Elga Lee Roberts Jefferson County Veterans Service Center in downtown Pine Bluff. U.S. ARMY PHOTOS BY RACHEL SELBY

Photo bottom left, Michael Shepherd, David Luker and Mark Barbee with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, removed a 12-foot alligator from Clear Pond on Pine Bluff Arsenal May 10. According to Wes Sparks, PBA's Natural Resource Specialist, the alligator was no longer scared of people. The animal will be relocated to one of Arkansas' Wildlife Management Areas. U.S. ARMY PHOTO

Photo bottom right, Ryan Polk and Darlene Dunlap, who work for the Directorate of Material Management's Storage Division, make sure everything in the Excess storage area is labeled and accounted for before it is shipped off-installation by the Defense Logistics Agency. U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY RACHEL SELBY

Gator Ryan Polk

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America's Arsenal

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PBA Arsenal Providing America's Joint Warfighter with specialized Ammunitions, Smoke, and Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense capabilities through expert manufacturing, storage and logistics.

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