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How to build an Electron desktopCapturer screen picker dialog

Level of difficulty Easy
JavaScript *
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Since Electron's desktopCapturer API doesn't provide a desktop picker dialog, you need to implement it yourself.

Disclaimer: I don't want to focus on the UI part, so you can use whatever you prefer, such as React, Vue, etc. You can find a simple HTML UI layout in my index.html file.

Firstly, we need to go to our main.js file and import the modules we are going to use:

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How to switch codesign certificates on Electron App for Mac (OSX)

Level of difficulty Medium
JavaScript *
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When you have an electron app that originally was distributed with a certificate for an individual developer. And you would like to sign the next update to that app with a certificate from your organization. It will break an auto-update installation process because codesign requirements aren't met.

So, to prevent this issue, your next app version should include information about both certificates (old and new). All future app versions can be signed with the new certificate, and the auto-update process will not be disrupted.

See the example below.

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10 things you may be asked about at UX Designer job interview

Level of difficulty Easy
Design Interview
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Any job interview is quite a stressful event, especially if you’ve graduated just recently and don’t have enough experience in communicating with hiring managers. Another problem is, interviews may be conducted differently in different companies: for example, employers may ask various specific questions depending on the position you are applying for, so there is no way to get 100% prepared for anything you may be asked. However, the list of general questions that HRs usually go through before switching to more specific ones are usually pretty standard, and they are aimed at getting to know you as a person and a professional. We’ve collected a list of a few most common topics that you’re most likely to be asked to talk about at a UX designer job interview — let’s discuss them.

Basic info about yourself

The question “Tell us about yourself” is the basis of any job interview. It allows recruiters to understand who they’re talking to and why you’re applying for this job. Here you are expected to present yourself in a concise, but effective manner by telling about your education and working experience, what inspires you professionally and why you would like to pursue a career in UX.

Basic knowledge of UX design

No matter how many degrees you have or how high your experience level is, your recruiters need to evaluate your knowledge of UX design as a whole. But keep in mind that a job interview is not an exam, so here you are expected not to recite the textbook definitions learned by heart, but rather share your personal understanding of UX and your role as a designer in general. Consider talking about how you define UX, what creates value in the design, what are the necessary parts of a UX design process, what are the current trends in UX. You might also be asked to explain the difference between UI and UX to see how you understand the role of each in the development process.

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Hightech Fun Arduino Projects that Anyone can Male

Level of difficulty Easy
DIY Robotics development *
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Smart dust bins are the perfect DIY project that blends the senses with the latest technology. With the aid of sensors and microcontrollers you can build a garbage bin that opens automatically when you move by it. It closes when you have got rid of your trash.

The procedure of creating the project is simple, which makes it an the perfect DIY project for kids.

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A Quick Guide on How to Optimize Apps for Foldable Smartphones?

Level of difficulty Medium
Development of mobile applications *Mobile applications design *
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The App Development industry is rapidly evolving with innovations and advancements. Gone are the days when phones were only used for calls and messages. Now with advanced technological developments, the use of mobile has also revolutionized. This has considerably changed after the introduction of smartphones and foldable devices. It has, over time, emerged as one of the most promising solutions for all needs. Users can do almost anything with these advanced devices, from multi-screen functionality to personalized use. So, how are the apps optimized and designed for these foldable devices? This blog details a complete analysis of the same for your better understanding...

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Raw SQL vs Entity Framework Core: Which is Right for Your Application?

Level of difficulty Easy
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When it comes to querying databases in .NET applications, there are two main approaches: using Raw SQL queries or an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework such as Entity Framework Core. Both approaches have their advantages and drawbacks, and the choice between them depends on various factors such as performance, ease of use, security, and developer experience.

In this post, we'll compare Raw SQL and Entity Framework Core and explore their strengths and weaknesses in various scenarios. We'll look at factors such as performance, usability, and security, and examine how Raw SQL and Entity Framework Core handle different types of queries and databases. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of which approach is best suited for your particular use case.

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Magento 2.4.6 What’s New Here

Magento *
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Magento, one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, has recently released its latest version, Magento 2.4.6. This release is focused on improving the platform's security, stability, and performance, as well as enhancing its core functionalities. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the updates and features introduced in Magento 2.4.6.

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Explaining 15 most popular IT & Technology Buzzwords to Non-IT People

Level of difficulty Easy
Artificial Intelligence Cloud computing *IOT Machine learning *Robotics
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As technology develops and IT areas keep growing and occupying different spheres of our lives, we hear number of phrases every day. For some people, they quickly become just a new reality. For another group of people, they may be dark areas they are even hesitant to ask questions about. In this articles, I will mention 10 most popular IT terms we keep hearing every day with their explanations in a very simple language.

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Creating desktop applications in Python

Python *
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Desktop applications are software programs that run on a computer's desktop and provide functionality to the user. These applications can range from simple programs like text editors to more complex ones like video editing software. In this article, we will explore how to create desktop applications using Python, a popular programming language known for its simplicity and ease of use.

To get started, we first need to install a GUI (graphical user interface) library for Python. There are several libraries available, but two of the most popular ones are Tkinter and PyQt. Tkinter is a built-in library that comes with Python and is easy to use, but it may not have as many features as PyQt. PyQt, on the other hand, is a third-party library that offers more advanced features but can be more difficult to learn.

Here is an example of a simple Tkinter-based desktop application that displays a window with a button:

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Functional Vs Non-Functional Requirements: Why Are Both Important?

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Abiding by the requirements is always necessary to make a product successful. You might have some confusion when it comes to non-functional and functional requirements. Many questions come up during this discussion. Such as in software engineering, how can you distinguish functional from non-functional requirements? What is the significance of this distinction? Besides functional requirements, why are non-functional requirements significant? This article aims at answering all these questions for you. 

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How to stay productive while you work as remotely?

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Hi, I am a product designer and have been leading design at Immigram since August 2022. Before that, I worked in senior positions at Ozon, Motify, and Tinkoff.

I have been working remotely for more than five years, and I collected seven tips for staying productive while working remotely.

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Simple ledger system with golang

Go *
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A ledger is a record of financial transactions that is used to track the flow of assets into and out of an organization. In Go, a ledger system could be implemented using various data structures and algorithms to store and process the transaction data.

To implement a simple ledger system in Go, you could start by defining a Transaction struct that contains the relevant information for each transaction, such as the date, the amount, and the description. You could then use a slice of Transaction values to store the ledger entries.

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Unity Addressable Asset System

C# *Unity3D *
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What is Addressable Asset System?

Addressable Asset System provides the robust and simpler system to load the assets by its “address”. Yes, you heard it right it loads the asset by it address and this simple change will make your life so much easier.

By unity definition: “The Addressable Asset System uses asynchronous loading to support loading from any location with any collection of dependencies.”

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Step by Step Tutorial on Python Web Scraping

Programming *Python *
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→ In this article, we will discuss what python is and its importance.

→ Then, we will be discussing web scraping, what web scraping is, and applications of web scraping.

→ The process of collecting huge amounts of information from different websites is known as web scraping.

→ we had known, why python can be chosen for web scraping.

→ Web scraping in python uses some specific libraries, we will be discussing them in brief.

→ Next, we will be discussing the steps for web scraping with python.

Now, let us get started with the topic!

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Micro Frontends: Microservices for the Frontend

Java *Angular *
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Micro frontends are what we get when we bring the microservice approach to the front end. In other words, a micro frontend is made of components owned by different teams — that can be deployed independently. These components are assembled to create a consistent user experience.

With a micro frontend, no single team owns the UI in its entirety. Instead, every team owns a piece of the screen, page, or content. For example, one team might be responsible for the search box, while another might code suggestions based on users' tastes.

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