About AIM

The Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) is a separately incorporated advocacy affiliate of the Alzheimer's Association. AIM works to secure policies to overcome Alzheimer’s and dementia, including increased investment in research, improved care and support, and development of approaches to reduce the risk of developing dementia.

AIM logoWorking at the federal and state level, AIM advances the public policy priorities of the Alzheimer’s and dementia community.

A 501(c)(4), AIM is able to further engage with lawmakers. AIM works to encourage elected officials and candidates to make Alzheimer’s a national priority. AIM gives the Alzheimer’s and dementia community enhanced influence to end Alzheimer’s and make their voices heard.

Thanks to the support of its members, AIM has driven policymakers to take historic steps including:

  • Nearly tripling research funding at the National Institutes of Health in just five years

  • Providing access to care planning services through Medicare

  • Discussing policy plans to support those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia on the campaign trail

But there is more to be done and we need your help.

Learn more about AIM.