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Yandex.Maps API Polylabeler Plugin

This module allows to set labels inside polygons on the map choosing the suitable position automatically. It is created for Yandex.Maps JS API v2.1 and based on Polylabel module

Demo1 Demo2

example img


  1. Load Yandex.Maps JS API 2.1, Polylabeler Plugin and (Area calculation plugin) (It is used by the present module) by adding the following code into the head section of your page.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Change my.cdn.tld to your CDN host name -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Simple example

Example shows, how to create label for one polygon.

ymaps.ready(['polylabel.create']).then(function () {
    const map = new ymaps.Map('map', {
        center: [65, 81],
        zoom: 5
    const objectManager = new ymaps.ObjectManager();

	type: 'Feature',
        id: 1,
        geometry: {
            type: 'Polygon',
            coordinates: [[
    	        [66 , 74],
                [68, 92],
                [59, 88],
                [62, 80],
                [66, 74]
        properties: {
  	    name: 'nameOfMyPolygon'
        options: {
            labelDefaults: 'light',
            labelLayout: '{{}}'
    const polylabel = new ymaps.polylabel.create(map, objectManager);


It is possible to work with two API entities:

Get access to the module functions by using ymaps.modules.require method:

ymaps.modules.require(['polylabel.create']).then(function (Polylabel) {
    * @param {Map} map - map instance
    * @param {GeoObjectCollection | ObjectManager} component -
    * instance of a collection or an object manager that contains polygons to be labeled
    const polyLabeler = new Polylabel(map, component);


The module works according to the following principle: Two labels are created for the polygon: a small (dot) and a main (label). If the main label can't fit into the polygon, the module tries to place a small one; If both does not fit, nothing is displayed.


Name Returns Description
getLabelState(polygon) DataManager label state


Parameter Type Default value Description
polygon GeoObject - Object, describing a polygon. Use GeoObject for the GeoObjectCollection
JSON - Use JSON for the ObjectManager
const polyLabeler = new Polylabel(map, objectManager);
let state = polyLabeler.getLabelState(polygon);



Name Type Default value Value Description
visible string|undefined undefined dot Show small label
label Show main label
none Hide all labels
undefined Automatic calculation

With map zoom change the state resets to default.

In ObjectManager version of polylabeler state resets to default on any change within labels in vieport, i.e. on any zoom and almost on any drag. It's better to set labelForceVisible option to hide labels instead of updating state's visible.

const polyLabeler = new Polylabel(map, objectManager);
let state = polyLabeler.getLabelState(polygon);
state.set('visible', 'dot');

only read

Name Type Description
center Array[2] Current center of label
currentVisibility string Label current visibility
currentConfiguredVisibility string Label visiblity, which configured by module
const polyLabeler = new Polylabel(map, objectManager);
let state = polyLabeler.getLabelState(polygon);


Labels events can be accessed through polygons. List of events can be found in GeoObject. For events handling add listener for the desired event with the prefix "label" to EventManager of GeoObjectCollection or ObjectManager.

// In this example, we listen to pointing the cursor at the label and
// moving the cursor off the label['labelmouseenter', 'labelmouseleave'], event => {
    // Get the polygon on which the event occured
    var polygon = event.get('target');
    // Get label state
    var state = polyLabeler.getLabelState(polygon);
    // Change the visibility of the label depending on the type of event
    state.set('visible', event.get('type') === 'labelmouseleave' ? undefined : 'label');

Polygon options

The label is controlled via the polygon options

* Mandatory option

Name Type Default value
labelLayout * string -
labelDotLayout string default dot layout
labelDotVisible boolean true
labelDefaults string -
labelCursor string 'grab'
labelDotCursor string 'grab'
labelClassName ZoomRange < string > || string -
labelForceVisible ZoomRange < string > || string -
labelTextColor ZoomRange < string > || string -
labelTextSize ZoomRange < number > || number -
labelCenterCoords ZoomRange < Array[2]< number >> || Array[2]< number > -
labelOffset ZoomRange < Array[2]< number >> || Array[2]< number > [0, 0]
labelPermissibleInaccuracyOfVisibility ZoomRange < number > || number 0

Type ZoomRange< T > object allows to set zoom level or zoom range to specify values for the certain scales. T - type of value.

// In this example we specify 'someOptions' value for different zoom levels
// for the 1-st zoom it will be set to 12,
// from 2-nd to 5-th the value is 14, from 6-th to 22-nd it is 16 and on the 23-rd it is 18
someOptions: {
    1: 12,
    '2_5': 14,
    '6_22': 16,
    23: 18
// or you can specify same value for all zoom levels
someOptions: 12
// if you skip some zoom levels, they will have a value calculated automatically or they will be simply ignored
someOptions: {
    1: 12,
    '2_3': 13


Template that describes the layout of a main label. Based on Template

	labelLayout: '<div class="foo">bar</div>'


Template that describes the layout of a small label (dot).

Default behavior: If you do not specify this option, the default dot will be drawn.

        labelDotLayout: `<div style="background: red;
            width: 10px; height: 10px; border-radius: 5px;"></div>`


Responsible for small labels displaying.

  • true - show
  • false - don't show

Default behavior: Small labels are displayed.


Responsible for the labels default layout


  • dark - dark theme
  • light - light theme


Cursor type to be displayed when hovering over the main label. Possible Values


Cursor type to be displayed when hovering over the small label. Possible Values


CSS-class name to be applied to the label. Important: if you use labelDefaults option, labelClassName doesn't work.

// Apply "foo-class" to the label on the first zoom level,
// for others apply 'bar-class"

        labelClassName: {
            1: 'foo-class',
            '2_23': 'bar-class'


Label type to be displayed.

  • label - show main label
  • dot - show small label
  • none - don't display anything
// On the first two zoom levels, the main label will be always shown.
// On the others - small label will be always shown.

        labelForceVisible: {
            '0_1': 'label',
            '2_23': 'dot'

Default behavior: Automatic calculation.


Label font color.

//Set '#FCEA00' as labels font color for all zoom levels
        labelTextColor: '#FCEA00'


Label font size.

// On the first five zoom levels, labels font size is '22'.
// On the others - '11'.
        labelTextSize: {
            '0_4': 22,
            '5_23': 11


Geographic coordinates where the label will be displayed.

// On the first zoom level coords - [37.0192, 61.01210]
// On the next two - [38.123, 62.9182]
// On the others - Automatic calculation
        labelCenterCoords: {
            0: [37.0192, 61.01210],
            '2_3': [38.123, 62.9182]

Default behavior: Automatic calculation.


Offset in pixels from the current position of the label.

  • zero element - left offset.
  • first element - top offset.
//Set labels offset to the left as 10px and down as 20px
        labelOffset: [-10, 20]

Default behavior: labelOffset: [0, 0]


The value in pixels describing max area outside of the polygon that could be occupied by the label.

// Allow labels to step out of the polygon for 2px at all zoom levels
        labelPermissibleInaccuracyOfVisibility: 2

Default behavior: labelPermissibleInaccuracyOfVisibility: 0

Used libraries

Third party components

The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed or implied, of OpenLayers Contributors.