RSS Feeds for Huntington District, Great Lakes and Ohio River Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

RSS Intro GraphicU.S. Army Corps of Engineers  Huntington District Great Lakes and Ohio River Division news and information is available through RSS feeds, which use a technology called XML to deliver headlines and summaries to your desktop or Web browser. RSS feeds, like podcasts, when used in conjunction with an RSS reader, will automatically update with the latest content at set intervals so that you do not have to visit USACE website to check for the latest news. RSS feeds are different from podcasts as they do not contain audio. RSS feeds can be subscribed to using Outlook or Gmail or added to a personal blog. If you want specific access to any of the USACE RSS feeds, here's a listing of all topics. 


How to Subscribe to RSS

Use Edge Browser

How to follow feeds in Microsoft Edge

  1. Visit the Microsoft Edge Add-on store: ...
  2. Search for “rss feed reader”: ...
  3. Click “Get” Next to “Feeder – RSS Feed Reader”, then Confirm by clicking “Add Extension”

    4. Setup your feeds: Search for feeds one-by-one, browse the library of sites or import feeds with OPML.

Use Outlook

  1. In Outlook, right-click the RSS Feeds folder and choose Add a New RSS Feed.

  2. In the New RSS Feed dialog box, enter the URL of the RSS Feed.

    Enter the URL for the RSS Feed

    Tip: If you need help finding the RSS feed URL on a website, look for an RSS icon. Button image Right-click that icon, and then copy the shortcut to the Clipboard. Press Ctrl+V to paste the information from the Clipboard into the RSS Feed location box.

  3. Choose Add > OK.                                                                Microsoft How to Subscribe to RSS feed in Outlook


Use Internet Explorer to Subscribe to an RSS Feed

Open Internet explorer and open any USACE website. Look for the small RSS icon and click on that icon as show in this image:

Once it opens in Internet Explorer, it will have an option at the top to subscribe to this RSS feed as show here:

RSS Feed




Subscribe using Chrome

Chrome Extension allows RSS Feed Subscriptions

RSS Feed Reader

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