What Would Access to Life-Changing Alzheimer's Treatments Mean to You?


Arthena C.
Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Kori and Tony

Kori G, Care Partner & Tony G.
Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment


Joe M.
Living with Alzheimer's

A pipeline of potential treatments is offering hope for the Alzheimer's community but an unprecedented decision by the government is preventing access.

We need your voice. As new treatments for early stage Alzheimer's and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) receive FDA approval, the perspectives of people living with dementia are critical to securing access. Now is your chance to use your voice and to share why new treatments matter to you and your family.

Advocate for Medicare coverage for new FDA-approved treatments

Engage Your Elected Officials

Learn about opportunities to meet with policymakers or share in writing with them why access to treatments matters to you.

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Using our simple tool, record a video, and we'll join all voices together in the fight to secure access. View videos of others who have shared their voice.

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Learn more about recent treatment news and developments.

The Alzheimer's Association is here all day, every day for people facing Alzheimer's and other dementia through our free 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900) and website at alz.org.