• May

    55th Chief of Engineers Builds Bridges with Allied Nation Partners

    The 55th Chief of Engineers Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon recently had a hand in building those bridges while visiting the Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Qatar – two long-standing U.S. allies currently working with USACE’s Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) on defense infrastructure projects.  
  • Army Lawyer shares journey from Marine Infantryman to Attorney

    For Asian American Pacific Islander month, we feature Ken Kajihiro, a fifth-generation Asian-American. Fresh out of high school, Kajihiro joined the U.S. Marine Corps, which provided him with the skills to become a lawyer and join the U.S. Army Corps Transatlantic Middle East District.
  • March

    Middle East District offers mission partners new capability

    Prior to the Khobar Towers 1996 attack, there were no uniform Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection standards required for Department of Defense Facilities. After that attack in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the U.S. military made a multitude of changes to how it managed force protection and in 2002, conducting a Design Based Threat Assessment was codified in the military construction process. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) has developed dedicated support to help its mission partners with the DBTA process.
  • January

    Transatlantic Middle East District Employee honored for support to others

    Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) Resource Management team member Lorie Polk was recently named the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team Peer Supporter of the Year.
  • December

    District prepares for the future one student at a time

    Three high school students working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) wrapped up a fall internship this week by presenting their capstone project to district leadership and staff.
  • November

    Future leaders participate in Army Tradition

    TAM's Leadership Development Program participants experience traditional military staff ride during a battlefield walk of the 3rd Battle of Winchester, Va.
  • August

    District Hosts Kuwaiti Mission Partners

    The Transatlantic Middle East District provides construction and related support services for U.S. military and allied nation partners throughout the Middle East, and although it has offices in eight countries in the region, the bulk of its program is managed from its headquarters in Winchester. In most cases, TAM project managers and engineers meet with their mission partners in the countries where their projects are located, but on occasion, partners are hosted in Winchester and a bit of local hospitality is showcased along with project overviews.
  • Cadets Expand View of Army Engineer Career

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) recently hosted four ROTC cadets during a summer program designed to expose them to the Army Engineer career field. The program allows cadets to shadow engineering officers and learn about potential career options available to them when they graduate and become officers.
  • TAM supports local student reaching for legal career

    In constant support for building the bench, TAM's Office of Counsel hired James Madison University senior Mikayla Ockerman for a summer internship in Winchester.
  • July

    Savings lead to SAVE Award for Middle East District

    Value methodology is a process that analyzes the different parts of a project, product, or process to ensure an optimal balance among factors such as cost, time, and safety according to the Society of American Value Engineering (SAVE). Although value engineering is not unique to USACE, every USACE district incorporates value engineering processes into their work. It’s not only mandated by law but has proven again and again to achieve the best results for both the Corps and its mission partners. In fact, USACE has gotten so good at the VE process that they recently won six out of the eight awards presented at a SAVE summit in June of this year.
  • June

    USACE mines local schools for hidden gems

    Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) continues his support of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through its High School Intern Program, most recently increasing to three interns for this most recent semester. The partnership benefits the students through their exposure to a professional work and engineering environment, challenging their preconceptions while expanding their skills. The collaboration benefits Team TAM through increased understanding of and potentially piquing interest in a career with USACE.
  • May

    Transatlantic Middle East District Legal Staff Continues to Raise the Bar

    Multiple staff members recently received national recognition for their work representing the interests of the U.S. government in a variety of significant legal matters. During the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Senior Legal Managers Governance and Continuing Legal Education meeting, the USACE Office of Chief Counsel announced the winners of its annual awards. District office of counsel staff members Regina Schowalter, Lindsay Nicodemus, and Kathryn Morris were all recognized.
  • Senior Contracting NCO benefits from unique USACE experience

    When Senior Contracting NCO MSG Shantae Allen was asked to describe her recent assignment with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM), the first word that came to mind was “unique.”
  • March

    Confidence in future STEMs from students’ enthusiasm

    The Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) participates in events that highlight and encourage interest in STEM through STARBASE Academy in Winchester, Va. While no two discussions with 5th graders are the same, this week's encounter was one for the books!
  • February

    U.S., Kuwaiti militaries celebrate infrastructure improvements

    A ribbon cutting ceremony held on February 2 marked the completion of a new $53 million pier project at Kuwait Naval Base. The pier, built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District, will enhance both Kuwait and U.S. military operations in the region.
  • January

    Middle East District expertise helps care for USACE Team

    TAM's Cheryl Young traveled to Germany to help clear Europe District's passport backlog.
  • December

    MATOC awarded with $990 million capacity

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District awarded a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) with a capacity of $990,000,000 to six Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) companies on Nov. 29, 2021.
  • October

    The Magic Behind the Mystery: Fiscal New Year for Dummies

    The importance of the end of the fiscal year is something almost anyone working for the federal government is somewhat familiar with, but for Contracting and Resource Management, the days leading up to it are among the busiest and most important of their entire year. And while for some employees the days leading up to a “fiscal new year,” are simply background noise, Contracting and RM are quite literally ensuring their agencies continue to function -- especially in an organization like the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) which deals in multi-million dollar construction contracts as well as a host of smaller contracts for services throughout the Middle East supporting U.S. military and allied nations in the region.
  • September

    Turns out engineering really is kinda cool

    When U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District civil engineer Garrison Myer started discussing engineering with 20 students at STARBASE Academy Winchester on Sept. 20, they seemed luke-warm and a bit skeptical about his obvious enthusiasm for engineering. But that changed pretty quickly after Myer’s presentation and hands-on session.
  • August

    Award Winning Attorney Moonlights as Advice Columnist

    An attorney with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District recently earned an award for her efforts to make federal ethics rules more understandable to District employees.