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Sexual assault resources

At TikTok, our goal is to create a supporting and welcoming community. We understand that trauma may easily resurface for survivors of sexual assault and we’re committed to fostering a supportive environment for survivors of sexual assault.

If you need help, we hope the resources and information on this page can help guide you through a difficult time.

If you feel that you are in immediate danger, please contact local emergency services.

Information and support for survivors

Know that it’s not your fault

Many survivors of sexual assault blame themselves for the abuse they experienced. Know that being sexually assaulted is never your fault and there is nothing you did, wore, said, or anything else that justifies the abuse.

Check out supportive services

If you have been sexually assaulted, or know someone who has been sexually assaulted, you are not alone, and help is out there.

Trauma doesn’t only occur immediately after a sexual assault, it can also happen when something brings back feelings and memories of a past assault. This can leave survivors of sexual assault with many complicated emotions to process.

Reaching out can make all the difference. If you need counselling, support services, or information after a sexual assault or a traumatising event, please see the hotline resources at the bottom of this page.

Talk to someone you trust

We recognise that speaking about what you’ve experienced and asking for help may not be easy, but talking to a trusted friend or family member about the sexual assault or abuse you have experienced can be an important first step that could make all the difference in your path to healing.

Reach out for support or consider joining a support group

You are not alone, and others who have experienced this have made it through. Talking to others who have been through similar experiences can be helpful to your recovery. Rape crisis centres and other local community organisations host support groups. These groups can be a great resource to talk with others who understand the trauma you have experienced. Contact one of the hotlines below to find information about local support groups.

Learn to practise self-care

Self-care means showing yourself kindness when trauma and stress take a significant toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Practising self-care is about understanding what activities will be most helpful to your mental and emotional health. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising can help your physical health. Taking time for activities you enjoy and staying connected to friends can also be good ways to maintain emotional health.

For friends and family

What to say when a loved one tells you they’ve been assaulted

It’s normal to not know what to say or do when someone you care about discloses sexual assault or abuse to you. First, let the person who shared their story with you know you appreciate them sharing.

Listening is important. Though we are often conditioned to give advice, this time is best used to listen to and support the survivor who is sharing their story with you. Even if you don’t intend to be judgmental, statements that question the actions of the survivor related to their assault can have a negative impact on their experience. For example, questions or statements that begin with “Why didn’t you…?” or ‘I would have…” or “You should have…” can leave them feeling that they are to blame for the assault.

You can also offer help. Helping your loved one contact a hotline is a great way to find professionals who can provide needed information and resources. A professional advocate can help a survivor make informed choices.

Maintaining support is important but can also be difficult to maintain throughout the survivor’s healing journey. The person who shared their story with you may need longer term support from you. Help in the ways you can but also take care of your own mental and emotional wellbeing during this difficult time.

What we can all do

Be mindful of what you say

Sexual assault is a serious issue and jokes about sexual assault perpetuate rape culture. Rape culture happens when rape and sexual assault are trivialised or seen as a normal part of life, leading people to have less empathy for those who have experienced sexual assault. Survivors deserve respect and should not be teased, mocked, or harassed. These types of negative behaviours can compound the trauma they experience, making recovery far more difficult. Support and empathy are important. Please be kind.

Learn about prevention

Prevention education addresses the root causes of sexual assault and aims to stop violence before it ever occurs. Understanding consent and boundaries, respecting bodily autonomy, and bystander intervention are critical ways we can prevent sexual violence, and it requires ongoing learning and teaching. To learn about these important prevention methods, visit the resources below to learn more.

If you have experienced sexual assault, or have a friend or family member who may need help, please contact one of the following hotlines below for resources and information:

