Developer loved, Security trusted.

Find and automatically fix vulnerabilities in your code, open source dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code — all powered by Snyk’s industry-leading security intelligence.

Millions of developers build securely with Snyk

What is Snyk

Find and fix vulnerabilities in 5 minutes

Integrate easily

Snyk comes to you, weaving security expertise into your existing IDEs, repos, and workflows.

Scan continuously

Snyk monitors for vulns while you develop, using industry-leading security intelligence.

Fix with a click

Snyk provides actionable fix advice in your tools. With auto PRs, you can merge and move on.

Secure your entire development lifecycle

Snyk supports your favorite languages and seamlessly integrates with your tools, pipelines, and workflows.

We’re security experts so you don’t have to be

The Snyk platform is powered by our industry-leading security intelligence research, so you can find and fix vulnerabilities as soon as they’re discovered.

Reduce risk, boost productivity

More than 85% of developers recommend Snyk thanks to its ease of use and the considerable amount of time it saves them during development.