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Discover Tulip Labs

Uncovering the best applications of innovative new technology such as machine learning, signal processing, and computer vision for frontline industries.

TEC Demo_Life Sciences_Realwear_Batch Mixing

Enhancing Machine Monitoring with ML at the Edge

Labs is working with Tulip’s hardware team to incorporate AI and Machine Learning for anomaly detection at the edge and other potential use cases. Automatic outlier detection can alert personnel to help them manage risks.

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Improving Production with ML Insights and Advanced Analytics

The Labs team is working on several projects including using Machine Learning (ML) to streamline operator workflows. Another core project is using process mining and advanced analytics to help engineers automate steps and gain insights for optimizing operations.

Machine Monitoring_Anomaly Detection_Peak Vibration Frequency

Augmenting Operators with RealWear and Hololens

Labs is enabling operators with voice-controlled Tulip applications using wearables to implement hands-free operations like reviewing dashboards and image capturing.

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Democratizing Computer Vision Technology

A core Labs project has been developing no-code computer vision detectors that work with off-the-shelf cameras and within Tulip apps. Use cases include anomaly detection, automate document reading, and automated material flow tracking.

Anomaly Detection_Tulip Vision_Inspection

Enhancing Tulip Apps with Hyper-Accurate Spatial Intelligence

Tulip and ZeroKey integrated RTLS technology with Tulip apps for automating material arrival alerts and analyzing real-time material location data.

TEC Demo ZeroKey and Tulip Vision


Digitally transform your operations with Tulip

See how systems of apps enable agile and connected operations.

Day in the life CTA illustration