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Project Funding Opportunities

All funding received through OpenJS Foundation membership dues is used to support various programs that benefit our hosted projects, and to run the Foundation.  This funding is administered by the Board of Directors, which is comprised of elected community leaders and member company representatives.

The OpenJS Foundation recognizes that in addition to supporting the general activities of the OpenJS Foundation (through membership, event sponsorship, and certification), some organizations may wish to contribute additional monetary funding to the OpenJS Foundation for activities that benefit specific projects or initiatives.

OpenJS Foundation members who are current on their annual dues may contribute additional amounts of incremental monetary funding to specific OpenJS Foundation initiatives, such as roadshows, Cross Project Council activities, or project infrastructure. Directed monetary funding activities must be approved by the OpenJS Executive Director, and are subject to the following annual limits:

  • Platinum members: No cap on directed monetary funding
  • Gold members: Capped at 50% of annual dues amount
  • Silver members: Capped at 25% of annual dues amount

The Board of Directors may approve exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

Please note that these limits only apply to incremental monetary funding contributed directly to the OpenJS Foundation.  Aside from OpenJS Foundation membership and the incremental monetary funding described above, we strongly encourage organizations to invest in the health and sustainability of the community at large by employing contributors, encouraging and supporting employees as they grow into leadership roles, running local meetups, and open sourcing their projects.

To learn more, please contact [email protected].