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How to contribute to the Global Community Team

These are some of the different options for getting involved with the WordPress Global Community TeamGlobal Community Team A group of community organizers and contributors who collaborate on local events about WordPress — monthly WordPress meetups and/or annual conferences called WordCamps. 🙂

1) The best way to start is by organizing MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. and/or WordCamps in your city. If you feel like you can represent WordPress, follow the code of conduct for WordPress events, and follow the five good-faith rules for WordPress meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. organizers, then you can apply to join the program: 

  1. a) Check if there is a WordPress Meetup group in your city – if there is one, join it, attend the events, and step up by either helping the organizers or becoming an organizer yourself!
  2. b) Check if there is a WordCamp in your area – you can attend, apply to speak, volunteer, sponsor and/or help organize your local WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more.!
  3. c) If there is not an existing WordPress Meetup group (or if there is an inactive group) in your town/city and you want to start one, you can apply here – you’ll receive a reply within a couple of weeks.

2) If you already have experience organizing a successful WordCamp and have an availability of 2-3 hours a month, you can apply to become a WordCamp mentor here: – you’ll receive a reply within a couple of weeks.

3) If you have had at least 1 year of experience as a Meetup organizer and/or have been a WordCamp lead organizer, you are familiar with the WordPress Open Source project and philosophy, you have at least 2-3 hours a week available for contributing, and you accept our Code of Conduct, you can apply to become a Community DeputyDeputy Community Deputies are a team of people all over the world who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and generally keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about deputies in our Community Deputy Handbook.. We are a team of community-minded people around the world who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. https://central.wordcamp.org includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each.. You can apply to join the Global Community Team as a deputy here – you’ll receive a reply within a couple of weeks.

Note: if you have any additional questions, join us in the #community-events channel of Make WordPress Slack, we’ll be happy to help you there!


Notes of Community Team Discussion on May 25, 2023

Yesterday’s Community Team discussion was fantastic! We had 99 people registered for the event, and 43 attendees from all around the world! Thank you all for your passion, curiosity, and energy during the call and during the brainstorming session.

We started the session with an introduction about the organizer, volunteer, and sponsor struggle coming back to in-person events after the pandemic, and the new purpose that emerged from it for the WP Community. 

After clarifying doubts regarding the future of traditional MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. and WordCamps, we had a brainstorming session aimed to generate new ideas for the next generation of WordPress events. Participants discussed in small groups about fundamental aspects that we have to consider when moving forward with pilot events for new event types.

We asked attendees to ignore the hanbooks and focus on the new purpose and for the event to be: 

  • doable (for human and financial resources)
  • repeatable (by new/old organizer and more than once per year)
  • scalable (other communities might try the same format)
  • desirable (for organizer, attendees, sponsors, volunteers). 

Keeping the above in mind, in 9 breakout rooms attendees brainstormed about the following topics:

  • Event formats (room 1-2)
  • Organizing team structure (room 3-4)
  • Organizing timeline (room 5-6)
  • Benefits for sponsors (room 7-8)
  • Infrastructure/tools required (room 9)

After the session, which lasted about 10 minutes, we all came back to the main room and we shared the outcomes of our discussions. Many people agreed that 10 minutes were not enough to deeply discuss the topics assigned. 

We encouraged attendees to bring the same conversation in their MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. and communities, and we’ll soon publish talking points that they can use if needed.

We ended the session inviting everyone to share their ideas for new event formats using this form, so the Community Team can collect all ideas and get back to organizers who want to have pilot events in their communities.

The community team would love to support as many pilot events as possible already in 2023.

Below some ideas, feedback, and thoughts from the brainstorming session.

Event format


  • Youth camp: open only 15-25 year old newbies, and teach them how to build an e-commerce site
  • HostCamp – WC for specific technology like – hosting, domain, performance and security
  • LearnCamp – Mainly focusing on settings up websites and CMS

Organizing Team Structure

The team setup depends on the event size and expectations. A medium sized Workshop event would need the following teams:

  • Leads
  • Sponsors
  • Logistics
  • Budget
  • Content

The content team is special in this case as it should consist of people who are great in the skills (dev, design, architecture, security, etc.) But also be capable to work with the facilitators on how to make the workshop a success for everyone involved.

Benefits for Sponsors

It is challenging to find a way to increase sponsor visibility and benefit, without taking this space from speakers and volunteers. Some ideas and thoughts about experiment to try.

  • Target a specific audience: at themed events, have sponsors interested in that specific audience
  • Networking moments for sponsors to connect with job seekers
  • Give sponsor possibility to open up to new markets (e.g. WooCommerce did not have the local currency in a country, but through WordCamps, they got it! Yay!)
  • Organize for attendees a “sponsor tour” to meet all sponsors



  • AI airpods for instant translations
  • For speakers application: having 1 tool to manage all applications, instead of having different manual processes (email, form) to manage by organizers in each website
  • Have dedicated and specific tools depending on the event size

General doubts and challenges shared by the attendees

  • It’s difficult to decide the local sponsorship level, it would be useful to have guidelines for each country or based on the Mac Index
  • It’s very challenging to get local sponsorship (especially Nigeria/Uganda if communities are small) but organizing big events is hard because of the lack of volunteers. One solution could be organizing an event halfway in attendance between Meetup and WordCamps, but keeping it to 1 event per year
  • For Regional WordCamps one day is not enough, people travel from other cities and need to spend more time together
  • The current ticketing system is limiting

Thank you so much to all people who attended yesterday’s session, there will be more to come next month, both online and in-person!

In-person discussions at WC Europe, Athens:

Keep an eye out for the next virtual discussion!

Thank you to all organizers who have already shared their ideas for new event formats and want to give it a try in 2023! If anybody else has an idea in mind, share it with the Community Team and we’ll get back to you to try to make it happen!

When thinking about new formats, please keep in my the purpose:

WordPress events spark innovation and adoption by way of accessible training and networking for users, builders, designers, and extenders. We celebrate community by accelerating 21st-century skills, professional opportunities, and partnerships for WordPressers of today and tomorrow.

The new generation of WordPress events will be:

  • doable (for human and financial resources)
  • repeatable (by new/old organizer and more than once per year)
  • scalable (other communities might try the same format)
  • desirable (for organizer, attendees, sponsors, volunteers)

Looking forward to meeting with you all soon again!

Thanks again to @samsuresh , @devinmaeztri, and @angelasjin for facilitating the session.

#community-events, #events-2

Recap of the Diverse Speaker Training group (#WPDiversity) AMER/EMEA on May 24, 2023

Attending: @askdesign, @heyyearl, @jasonways, @jillbinder, @juliarosia, @katiejrichards, @onealtr, @rahuldsarker, @volkswagenchick

Host: @jillbinder

Start: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1684947622532439


0 – Attendance and check-ins
1 – First time here
2 – #WPDiversity Member Updates (anyone)
3 – Brainstorm exercise: set of questions for WP event organizers to support organizing diverse and inclusive events (@juliarosia)

@juliarosia lead us in doing the brainstorming for a Handbook page with a set of questions for organizers to ask themselves and reflect on to help strengthen their group/event’s diversity and inclusion. We looked at a document of suggestions and added comments and more suggestions.

4 – Brainstorm exercise: Evolution of #diverse-speaker-support channel (@jillbinder)

@jillbinder asked for ideas on how to improve the diverse-speaker-support SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. channel to increase how many underrepresented speakers are placed at WordPress MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. and WordCamps.

End: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1684951222737139

Idea generation: Next Gen WordCamps!

Earlier this month, a post proposed an updated purpose and experimentation for WordCamps. The Community Team is eager to see what this creative community wants to see!

In entering this very experimental phase, organizers are encouraged to propose new event formats and topics that match a proposed, updated purpose:

WordPress events spark innovation and adoption by way of accessible training and networking for users, builders, designers, and extenders. We celebrate community by accelerating 21st-century skills, professional opportunities, and partnerships for WordPressers of today and tomorrow.

The WordPress community also holds certain expectations and values, such as lowering barriers to participation, celebrating the community as a whole instead of any one business or individual, and supporting diversity and inclusion. The Community Team would like to support innovative event ideas that align with the new purpose and our WordPress community values. 

As a reminder, all currently scheduled WordCamps will continue to be supported. While the Community Team encourages organizers to try new ideas, we will also continue to support WordCamps in all forms. 

To help spark some new ideas, here are some interesting event formats we could try!

  • Content topic focused (designers, blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. development, SEO, etc)
  • Identity-based (women, castes, BIPOC, Latinx, LGBTQI+, tribes, age, etc)
  • “Eco” WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. (no swag, smaller, more frequent, more sustainable)
  • ​​WP expertise level (beginners, intermediate, advanced)
  • Focused activity (training, recruiting, networking, contributing, conferencing, etc)
  • Job status focused (students, fresh graduates, job seekers, freelancers, business owners, etc)

Your turn: what Next Gen WordCamp do you want to see?

Share your ideas in the comments below! Whether they are fully conceptualized or just initial thoughts, let’s hear what kind of ideas you have for Next Gen WordCamps. Think outside the box and forget about the handbooks for a moment.

What would be the most beneficial for your WordPress experience? What do you want to learn? What do you want next for your WordPress community and career? What would be the most memorable experience? What would propel WordPress events into the future?

If you already have a specific idea in mind and you would like to give it a try, use this form to share it with the community team, and we’ll get back to you to discuss how we can support you in making it happen!

Don’t miss tomorrow’s Community Team discussion: The Next Generation of WordCamps: everyone is invited to share their thoughts and envision the future of these events.

Additionally, keep an eye out for upcoming conversations about the necessary tools for the Next Gen events, and talking points for facilitating new event brainstorm sessions with your local communities!

#discussion, #ideas, #wordcamps

WordPress Community Team Discussion #9: The Next Generation of WordCamps

We are excited to invite the community members to attend our upcoming Zoom Discussion Session scheduled as follows:

TitleNext Generation of WordCamps
Date25th May 2023
Time & RSVP2023/05/25 12:00 UTC (1 Hour) 
Open toAll community members
LocationZoom Video Conference

Discussion Brief

The updated purpose of WordPress events focuses on sparking innovation and celebrating the community through accessible training and networking. “Next Gen WordCamps” are expected to have clearer audience targeting, more specific content types, and a variety of engaging event formats. Existing WordCamps and meetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. will continue, and organizers are encouraged to pitch ideas that align with the new purpose.

The community is invited to share their thoughts and envision the future of these events.


RSVP to join this interactive Zoom discussion for Zoom Link and calendar invite:


Recap of the Contributor Working Group’s Mentorship Chat on May 18, 2023

In attendance: @adityakane @oglekler @yoga1103  @mikeschroder @st810amaze @onealtr @tobifjellner @javiercasares @courane01 @sereedmedia @juliarosia @annekatzeff @nomadskateboarding  @harishanker@@unintended8 @sandesh055 @askdesign @jominney @leonnugraha @tacoverdo @patricia70 @webtechpooja @francina @Rico F. Lüthi @tobifjellner

Notes: @harishanker

Agenda: https://make.wordpress.org/community/2023/05/15/contributor-working-group-mentorship-chat-agenda-may-18th-0700-utc-apac-emea-and-1600-utc-amer/

Meeting Start

EMEA: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1684393200684229

AMER: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1684425602571269

Mentorship Program Pilot 

Based on discussions from past chats, the working group identified a pilot program for our projectwide mentorship, which was recently shared in public in the Make/Project Blog.
The flowchart below explains a draft of the program plan: 

A flowchart depicting the program flow of the WordPress contributor mentorship program. Mentees are connected to a mentor, join a cohort of mentors and mentees, complete self directed courses, learn-ups, selects Make/Team, makes contributions, optionally creates a three month plan, and graduates. If not, they drop out.

Key additions made to the MVPMinimum Viable Product "A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development." - WikiPedia based on past chats: 

  • Mentees will have to make a chosen set of initial contributions for their chosen Make/Team in order to complete the mentorship.
  • For the pilot, Make/Teams can opt-in whether they would like to participate in the pilot program. Interested Make/Teams can nominate mentorsMentor Someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. who can support mentees and eventually onboard them as contributors to their respective teams.
  • The length of the program has been finalized as one month or four weeks to incorporate contributions. 

Working group members were generally in agreement with the MVP and it was decided to move forward with the same. Group members area already sharing feedback in the white paper separately too. 

Language as a barrier for entry was shared, and the importance of making the program multilingual. A couple of ideas were suggested to mitigate this:

Implementation and Identifying Tasks and Next Steps

Implementation timeline

Our group identified the need to do at least one pilot cohort in 2023, to be in line with our project goals. We discussed a timeline to plan our cohort while being mindful of the time and availability of our group members too. We identified that WCEUWCEU WordCamp Europe. The European flagship WordCamp event., the community summit, WCUSWCUS WordCamp US. The US flagship WordCamp event., along with WordPress 6.3 and 6.4 dates will affect the timelines of our pilot, which will run for four weeks or one month. 

Some ideas that were shared include:

  • After WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe and before WordCamp US.
  • Either starting asap (after WCEU) or later (after WCUS) was also suggested.
  • It was shared that summer vacation in Europe between July and August might be a blocker due to the general unavailability of various mentors. 
  • Group members suggested using in-person time at WordCamp Europe to work on the mentorship program
  • There was broad consensus around using WordCamp Europe as a way to do promotions for the mentorship program and do a cohort right after the same (but before WCUS). 
  • Another suggested idea was to do outreach during WCEU and WCUS, and plan the first cohort around September/October 2023. 
  • The group will brainstorm on this further and share a timeline shortly.

Project Management Tool

The group unanimously agreed to use GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. https://github.com/ projects as a project management tool for the program! Some group members also offered to set it up – we will work on this asynchronously. 

Task List

Based on our MVP, we identified a list of tasks that need to be completed before the program

  • Identifying and recruiting Make/Teams
  • Identifying Mentors
  • Publish call for mentees 
  • Identifying mentees for the cohort based on the selected pool
  • Auditing learning materials on Learn WordPress (existing contributor training courses) for mentees
  • Creating and publishing the pre-event and post event surveys for mentees and mentors
  • Running online workshops on different contribution topics (example topics: Active Listening, Better communication, Active contributor guidance situations, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership basics, Conflict resolution in WordPress, How decisions are made in WordPress, Introduction to different Make/teams)
  • Facilitating the program
  • Mentoring contributors 
  • Make/Team representatives to onboard contributors to their teams.
  • Ongoing promotion as well as Marcomms for the program

Group members were generally in agreement with the task list with many members expressing interest in taking on multiple tasks. The group identified the need for strategic collaboration with the Community Team (for facilitating the program), Training Team (for auditing Learn courses and holding online workshops) and Marketing Team (for ongoing promotions and Marcomms of this program). 

High Priority Tasks / Next Steps /Action Items!

  • Get buy-in from Make/Teams for our pilot:
    Since our program now involves mentees making initial contributions, support from Make/Teams is definitely needed. Group members recommended the following teams to join the mentorship program:
    • CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.
    • Photos 
    • Polyglots
    • Docs
    • Training

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, Community, Training, and Marketing Teams have offered strategic support for this program too! 

  • Publish a call for mentees:
    We have also agreed to publish our call for mentees before the next meeting. The Marketing Team has offered to support with this. 
  • Create a GitHub Project Board
    We need to create a GitHub project board for project management, so that our group can focus on the next steps, and start working on launching the pilot. 

WordCamp Europe 2023 Meeting

Many group members are attending WordCamp Europe 2023, and we have agreed to do a working session alongside the event. More details about the same will be shared soon. 

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #meeting-notes

#mentorship-chat, #mentorship-chat-recap

SiteGround Joins the 2023 Global Sponsorship Program

I am thrilled to announce that SiteGround has become a Gold Level Global Community SponsorGlobal Community Sponsor Company that sponsors the WordPress community events through the global sponsorship program. for 2023!

Once again, a big thank you to all the sponsors that support the WordPress community programs and events.

Full details on the 2023 Global Sponsorship program and packages can be found here

The Global Sponsor information for event organizers page in the handbook has been updated, and we’ll be updating the rest of the Central, handbook pages, WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. websites, WordPress Chapter MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. group pages in the coming days to acknowledge our global sponsors.

Please join me in giving another big thanks to all the global sponsors for their continued support!


#global-sponsors, #global-sponsorship

Meetup Organizer Newsletter: May 2023

Hello, Organizers!

WordPress 20th anniversary is just around the corner, have you already scheduled your celebration events? Check out the latest news about #WP20 on the official anniversary website.

In this month’s newsletter, we invite you to experiment with new event formats, join the Community Team at WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe, and have fun while translating WordPress using the Live Translation Playground tool. Read on to discover more about all three!

The Next Generation of WordCamps

Since 2006, WordCamps have been a staple way that WordPress enthusiasts meet. Coming out of the pandemic, we’ve been hearing from many organizers and attendees the desire to experiment with new event formats, and we want to support you!

Join the discussion on The Next Generation of WordCamps post to learn more about the new purpose, the next steps, and ways to share your ideas for new event formats. You can also start discussing your ideas in the SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. #community-events channel or reach out to WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. https://central.wordcamp.org includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each. via email [email protected].

Do you already have a specific idea in mind for a new event type? Use this form and share it with the Community Team!

Join the Community Team at WordCamp Europe 2023

WCEUWCEU WordCamp Europe. The European flagship WordCamp event. 2023 is happening in Athens on June 8-10. If you’re planning on attending and you haven’t purchased your ticket yet, do it as soon as possible on the WCEU Ticket page. There are only 50 tickets left! 

June 8 is the Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of https://make.wordpress.org/ There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. https://2017.us.wordcamp.org/contributor-day/ https://make.wordpress.org/support/handbook/getting-started/getting-started-at-a-contributor-day/.. Come contribute to one or multiple WP teams in-person, or participate remotely. Check out the WCEU Contributor day page for all details, including how to prepare for Contributor Day.

If you attend WCEU in person, don’t miss the Community team WP Connect events: we’ll be hosting four panels where everybody who wants to participate can join and share their experience about all things WordPress. Additionally, there will be 2 special events focused on development and the WordPress Playground.

We hope to see you all in Athens!

Translate Live tool: Translating WordPress Plugins has never been easier!

Did you know that now you can translate WordPress plugins and themes directly from your browser? Oh yes, you can! Translate Live is a tool that uses WordPress Playground to allow everybody to execute live translations without leaving your browser. Find out about the latest updates and instructions on how to use it on the Polyglots blog.

A special thank you to our Global Sponsors: Jetpack, WooCommerce, Bluehost, Nexcess, Weglot, and WordPress.com!

If you have any questions, Community Team deputiesDeputy Community Deputies are a team of people all over the world who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and generally keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about deputies in our Community Deputy Handbook. are here to help. Please email us at [email protected] or join the #community-events Slack channel. Thanks for everything you do to grow and support the WordPress community—let’s keep sharing knowledge and inspiring each other with our contributions!

See you online soon!

The following people contributed to this edition of the MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. newsletter: @mysweetcate , @devinmaeztri , @bjmcsherry , @akirk, @amieiro , @spiraltee

#community-team, #meetup-organizer-newsletter, #newsletter

#community-team, #meetup-organizer-newsletter, #newsletter

Announcement: Increasing Meetup Venue Support Funds

Did you know that WordPress Community SupportWordPress Community Support WordPress Community Support PBC is a subsidiary of WordPress Foundation. It is created specifically to be the financial and legal support for WordCamps, WordPress Meetup groups, and any additional “official” events organized within the WordPress Community Events program., thanks to our generous Global Sponsors, provides a stipend to cover the cost of meetup venues

Knowing that venue costs have increased significantly, particularly in some parts of the world, WPCSWPCS The collection of PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) used to format and validate PHP code developed for WordPress according to the WordPress Coding Standards. May also be an acronym referring to the Accessibility, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc. coding standards as published in the WordPress Coding Standards Handbook. will be increasing MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. venue fund guidelines from $5 USD/person per event to ~$10 USD/person per event. The Community Team’s hope in allocating more funding towards meetup venue costs is to support increased meetup activity, especially in areas where venue costs are prohibitive.

Requests for Meetup venue funds still need to be submitted to the Community Team for approval first. As always, please take time to find a venue that is cost effective, and when possible free, while providing the local community with an inclusive, welcoming location to meet. The Community team will vet each request against local cost of living before granting approval. 

Questions? Comments? Thoughts? Leave them below! 

Thanks again to our Global Sponsors for making this possible!


X-post: WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program: Pilot Program Proposal

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/project: Comment on WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program: Pilot Program Proposal

Contributor Working Group: Mentorship Chat Agenda | May 18th 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

The contributor working group is gearing up for its next Mentorship chat on Thursday (May 18th) to continue its work on building a Mentorship Program for WordPress! For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post.

Meeting times

To make accommodations for as many timezones as possible, we will be holding these chats in multiple timezones. Based on feedback from last week, we will continue holding these chats on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file which contains calendar entries for our upcoming chat, so that you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone who is interested in building a mentorship program is welcome to attend these chats.

Looping in folks that had expressed interest in the program: @williamsba1, @megabyterose, @wolfpaw, @soulseekah, @courtneypk, @amethystanswers @leogopal @milana_cap @unintended8 @lesleysim @itsjustdj @evarlese @prathameshp, @webcommsat @meher @kcristiano @leonnugraha and @dpknauss.

Also looping in the folks who attended the last chat:

@adityakane @nao @oglekler @yoga1103 @mikeschroder @st810amaze @onealtr @carl-alberto @tobifjellner @javiercasares @sz786 @meher @courane01 @jeffpaul @sereedmedia @cbringmann @angelasjin @juliarosia @askdesign @nomadskateboarding @harishanker @javiercasares @gounder @unintended8 @webtechpooja @thewebprincess @fitehal @desrosj @askdesign @nikita22 and @nomadskateboarding


Last week, our focus was on finalizing a Minimum Viable ProductMinimum Viable Product "A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development." - WikiPedia (MVPMinimum Viable Product "A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development." - WikiPedia) to test out our Mentorship Program. This week, based on all our findings, we have finalized a pilot for our mentorship program and start working on implementation steps.

1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves.

2. Mentorship Program Pilot
Based on discussions from our last chats, the working group has identified a pilot program for our projectwide mentorship! We briefly go through the pilot program to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Here’s the link to the draft blog post announcing the program’s MVP/Pilot and a white paper about the program.

3. Implementation and Assigning Tasks
Now that everyone is on the same page on the pilot program, we start talking about implementing our mentorship program! We will try to come up with a plan to implement our program, identify a list of tasks, and put out a call for volunteers to help with the different tasks. We will also try and find a project management tool to keep track of our work!

4. Next steps
Based on next discussion this week, we will identify a task list for the group until next week.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #mentorship-chat-recap