ISO runs a series of events to help you get the most from standards

Bringing standards to life through shared experiences and case studies, as well as identifying future trends where standards have a role to play, contributes to the goal of seeing ISO standards used everywhere.

You can see what's coming up next, as well as browse the archive of our most recent events to better see the wide range of topics covered and access resources.

Some events, such as our annual General Assembly, are only for ISO members. If you have a question about any of our events, past or future, get in touch with us, or connect with us on social media below.

Brisbane, 18-22 September 2023

ISO Annual Meeting

ISO Annual Meetings
Abu Dhabi, UAE | 19 – 23 September 2022
ISO Annual Meeting 2022
The ISO Annual Meeting is the keystone event in the ISO calendar featuring thematic sessions, networking opportunities, the ISO General Assembly and related …
Online event | 20 – 24 September 2021
ISO Week 2021
This year’s event will look a bit different, as we’re hosting it entirely online. We’ve developed a bespoke virtual platform where you can watch presentations, …
Cape Town, South Africa | 16 – 20 September 2019
ISO Week 2019
ISO Week 2019 is your opportunity to join fellow ISO members in putting standards at the heart of the Global Agenda and defining the strategies that will …
Online Event | 25 – 29 April 2022
CASCO plenary and workshop 2022
The 36th CASCO plenary and workshop is taking place entirely online this year. Find out more about the week’s programme, learn about the different events …
28 September 2021
ISO/TC 314 Ageing Societies: Onboarding for developing countries
Capacity building journey ISO/TC 314 on Ageing societies.
24 June 2021
Exploring IWA 29 on Professional farmer organizations
Building professionalism and breaking into the global food supply chain is the key ambition of the ISO International Workshop Agreement (IWA 29), Professional …
Virtual events
Virtual Event | 22 June 2023
Portfolio to meet market needs
Under ISO’s strategic programme ‘Customer Matters’, we have launched a series of workshops dedicated to standard users’ needs.
Geneva, Switzerland / online | 26 January 2023
International standards in support of cities' and local authorities’ development agenda
This event, organized jointly with the Geneva Cities Hub, will be an opportunity for local authorities to engage with experts from ISO, IEC and ITU on …
Virtual event | 2 – 9 December 2021
Webinars on the ISO digital learning solutions (DLS) toolkit
Humans operate in a world where change is constant, and where challenges and disruptions can be global in scale. Technology tools, as we know them today, …