1. What is this Policy about?

This Cookie Policy describes the usage, by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (“ISO” or “we”), of cookies on its website. It explains what cookies are and how we use them.

You may read this Policy in order to understand what type of cookies we use, the data we collect through them and how it is used. For further information on how ISO processes your personal data, please read the ISO Privacy Policy

Manage my Cookies

Change cookies settings to allow or block specific cookies

“Cookies” are little text files, stored on the browser or hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you visit a webpage, and which are used to collect data about your device and interactions with the website, such as browser type, operating system, IP address, device type, location, browsing date and time, your language preference or login information.

Cookies may be placed on your device by us (“first party cookies”) or by third parties (“third party cookies”). Cookies can be stored for varying lengths of time on your browser or device. For detailed info on the purpose and duration of each category of cookie see the "Manage my Cookies" section, where you have the possibility to withhold consent or withdraw consent to all cookies (except the Strictly Necessary ones).

2. What cookies do we use and for what purposes?

Google Analytics and Hotjar

Please note that, within performance cookies, some cookies may be placed via the Google Analytics tool, a software tool provided by Google which helps us to monitor and analyze website traffic. We have set the parameters of Google Analytics to the strictest possible features, especially in order to anonymize all IP addresses that are collected in this context. That being said, in specific circumstances, there could nevertheless be a possible transfer of some data to the US. Because of this, we have chosen to give you the choice to accept or refuse such cookies: if you refuse these performance cookies they will not be served on your computer. In any case, please note that you may opt-out in general from this tool with your navigator, by downloading an add-on that is available on this page: Opt-Out. For further information regarding Google Analytics and the cookies used in this context, please refer to this page.

Within functional cookies, there are also cookies placed via Hotjar, a technology service that helps us better understand our users’ experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.). Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices. This includes a device's IP address, device screen size, device type, browser information, geographic location (country only). Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile. For further details, please see the ‘about Hotjar’ section of Hotjar’s support site


Other types of Social Media Local Storage
A local storage is a file created by a website in your device. Cookies are just one type of local storage, but there are others. For instance, some websites use the browser's "session storage" and "local storage" to store data; "session storage" is stored temporarily, but the “local storage” is persistent. 

Such technologies can be used by social media (such as Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram) to track your browsing behavior in order to create a profile to show you advertisement targeted to your interests; they can be installed when you accept the social media cookie button or when you visit the respective sites of the social media platform. 

The cookie management tool we offer on our website may also block these other types of social media local storage. That being said, you may also erase them by deleting your browser's history. 

3. Information provided through the cookies

The cookies mentioned under section 2 above may collect the following information:

  • IP Address; 
  • Date and time of connection to the website;
  • Place of consultation of the website;
  • Time spent on the website;
  • Information regarding the tool used to access the website;
  • Language settings and preferences;
  • Data about the pages visited;
  • Links you click on the website.

The purposes are mentioned under section 2 above.

4. Third-party sites 

In addition to our own use of cookies, ISO websites contain links to other sites. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of those sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their own privacy notices or policies. ISO is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage you to become familiar with the privacy notices of any other sites which you visit and to make your own choices with the tools offered on such websites.

5. Consent and deactivation of cookies

You are informed of our use of cookies through this Policy as well as through the cookie banner that is placed on our website upon your first visit. It is important to us to ensure that you have well received and understood all information that is described here.

We offer you a tool that allows you to accept all cookies, choose the ones you wish to have or deactivate them all together (to the exception of strictly necessary cookies). The choice is yours!

Aside from the tool offered on our website, please note that most browsers allow you to change the cookies settings, delete existing cookies, block future ones or alert you when they are being sent to your device. Please check your browser instructions to that effect.

6. Contact

As mentioned in our Privacy Policy, should you have any concerns with regard to this Cookie Policy, please contact us by using [email protected].

7. Revisions

This Cookie Policy may be modified at any time. When we make such changes, we will revise the "last updated" date at the bottom of the Cookie Policy and any change will be effective immediately upon posting. Please note that your continued use of our website following such changes will be governed by and in accordance to them. We encourage you to review the applicable version of this Cookie Policy whenever you visit our website.

8. Governing law

Any dispute arising in connection with this Privacy Policy shall be governed by Swiss law to the exclusion of its choice of law provisions. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Geneva, Switzerland.


This Cookie Policy was last updated on 2022-01-26.