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Feb27 Fun Holiday – No Brainer Day

February 27 is No Brainer Day. It is believed that the holiday was created by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith in the United States as a way to remind people that most things are simple and that many problems we encounter daily have obvious and easy solutions.

Take a break and avoid using your brain.

Avoid doing anything that requires effort and the use of your brain cells.


The made-up holiday, which is also sometimes known as International No Brainer Day, also allows people to stop over analyzing things, second-guessing themselves, and to relax and take it easy.

Very Little Thought

The holiday gets its name from the English language phrase no brainer, which refers to decisions or choices that require very little effort and thought.

How to Celebrate?

  • That’s a no brainer of course! Take this day to relax your brain and stop yourself from over analyzing problems. Leave that for another day.

Did You Know…

…that in a study conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, neuroscientists found that the human brain could process images that had been flashed before the person for as little as 13 milliseconds?

No Brainer Day Observances

Fun Holiday: No Brainer Day Observances
2023MonFeb 27No Brainer Day
2024TueFeb 27No Brainer Day
2025ThuFeb 27No Brainer Day
2026FriFeb 27No Brainer Day
2027SatFeb 27No Brainer Day
2028SunFeb 27No Brainer Day
2029TueFeb 27No Brainer Day
2030WedFeb 27No Brainer Day
2031ThuFeb 27No Brainer Day
2032FriFeb 27No Brainer Day

See all Fun Holidays

Other Fun Holidays around February 27

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