This is an official site of the National Flood Insurance Program.

The National Flood Insurance Program

Steps to Prepare for Flooding

Take steps to protect your home, family, and financial security throughout the year, and take extra precautions when flooding is predicted in your area.

Start Your Flood Claim

Report your loss immediately to your insurance agent or carrier. Be sure to ask them about advance payments. Need help finding your insurance agent or carrier? Call the NFIP at 877-336-2627.


Risk Rating 2.0: Equity in Action

NFIP has changed the way it determines flood risk and prices flood insurance. Rates are easier to understand and better reflect a property's flood risk.

Prepare Now for Riverine Flooding

Each year, more homes are experiencing floods due to rising rivers. While you may not live on the river, its waters can pay you an unexpected visit. Spring rains and melting snow—even a little—can cause rivers to reach your home.

The Cost of Flooding Icon

The Cost of Flooding

See just how much flood damage can cost you.  Remember: with flood insurance, you're able to recover faster and more fully.

What flood insurance coverage icon

What's Covered?

Flood insurance covers your home and the things inside it.  Learn more about coverage limits and what is or isn't covered.

Flood Maps Icon

Flood Maps

No matter where you live or work, some risk of flooding exists.  Know your flood risk by finding your community's flood map now.

How to Reduce Your Costs Icon

How to Reduce Your Costs

Lowering your flood risk can lower your costs.  Learn more about mitigation strategies and related discounts.