How it works

  1. Post a job

    Post a job

    Tell us about your job, and we'll alert suitable tradespeople in Coventry. It’s simple and free.

  2. Hire a tradesperson

    Tradespeople respond

    Once your job is posted, you'll get responses from interested tradespeople through the website.

  3. Leave feedback

    Review and choose

    Browse profiles, work history, and feedback, then choose who you wish to share your details with.

  • Elite Gas

  • L.A.C Plumbing & Heating

  • R.U.Group Ltd

  • floormatters

  • Nu Age Heating & Interiors Ltd

  • RDC Plumbing and Heating

  • Joel Lewis Plumbing & Heating

  • myRebuilder

  • Coventry Gas Services

  • Sky Blue Roofing

  • D & L Home improvements

  • The Boiler Team



  • Coventry City Glass

  • DD Security Systems ltd

  • Cofas Tree

  • Vlad

  • Jn property maintenance ltd

  • PAB Property Maintenance Services

What can tradesmen do?

Finding a vetted and experienced tradesman is easier than ever with MyBuilder’s clever match-making support.

The right tradesman can help solve all those tricky problems around the house. And with MyBuilder, you’ll find a quality specialist near you with the right skills to get the job done. Compare quotes, see customer reviews and the qualifications of local tradesmen and save on hours of searching.

Tradesmen can help with a wide range of services and jobs, including:

  • gas
  • heating
  • plumbing
  • locksmithing
  • painting and decorating
  • joining and glazing

Top Tradespeople Reviews


Tradesmen working near Coventry in West Midlands have an average review score of 99% positive based on 143,078 homeowner reviews.

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Mumsnet rated 2019

Don’t just take our word for it, homeowners love MyBuilder too. We’re proud to be rated by Mumsnet.