Information on the National Inventory of Dams, National Levee Database and general dam and levee safety

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Icon with words "Missouri River Water Management"

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News from around USACE

Percy Priest superheroes tool around for recreation
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 5, 2023) – A team of superheroes at J. Percy Priest Lake are known for tooling around campgrounds and recreation areas while repairing and maintaining facilities, often saving...
Workshop tackles recent energy policy updates, changes
More than 80 energy experts attended Huntsville Center’s REM workshop April 17-20 to ensure continuous professional development and focused training on state-of-the-art energy programs and initiatives...
New York District Contributes to New York State Hurricane Evacuation Study
5/5/2023 UPDATED
New York, NY - A comprehensive New York State (NYS) Hurricane Evacuation Study is being conducted by a partnership between the National Hurricane Program, the Army Corps, FEMA, NOAA's National...