The mission of the Alzheimer’s Association Business Consortium (AABC) is to advance Alzheimer’s disease and dementia research through innovation in small- and medium-size biotechnology, diagnostics, medical device and contract research organizations.

AABC members work in areas of common interest pre-competitively to advance both the field of dementia research and the goals of its member organizations. They provide leadership and direction to the group’s areas of focus, which include, but are not limited to, collaborations, recognition and visibility, and knowledge and information sharing.


Collaborations are essential to companies as a way to share resources, expand infrastructure, save money and potentially create income. The consortium will provide a platform for companies looking for collaboration opportunities between member companies and enhance collaborations with large companies and other institutions external to the consortium.

Recognition and visibility

Companies will benefit from publications and positive publicity. As such, the AABC will look for ways to bring companies in this sector to the attention of the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias community through publications, presentations and posters.

Knowledge and information sharing

The AABC will look for ways to share knowledge and information in a pre-competitive space. The group will share information about each member company. They may also share information on trusted consultants, CRO’s, ways to manage data in a small company, funding strategies and funding sources.

Consortium members


Meeting agendas and meeting minutes

July 28, 2020 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
July 15, 2019 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
July 23, 2018 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
February 15, 2018 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
November 1, 2017 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
February 1, 2017 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
December 9, 2016 Meeting minutes (PDF)
October 19, 2015 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
August 25, 2015 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
July 21, 2015 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
Questionnaire results (PDF)
May 13, 2015 Meeting minutes (PDF)
March 2, 2015 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)
November 18, 2014 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting minutes (PDF)


AABC webinars

Federal Grant Funding - March 2023 (VIDEO - please use passcode: e@MgG0h%)
Federal Grant Funding - March 2023 (PDF)
Leveraging SBIR/STTR to Advance Alzheimer’s and Aging Innovations (VIDEO)
Leveraging SBIR/STTR to Advance Alzheimer’s and Aging Innovations (PDF)
Updates in Neuroimaging - December 2019 (PDF)
Ask the Expert: CEO Panel - April 2019 (VIDEO)
NIA-AA Research Framework: Towards a Biological Definition of Alzheimer’s Disease - November 2018 (PDF)
Ask the Expert - August 2018 (PPT)
IR and PR Strategy for Emerging Alzheimer's Companies - June 2018 (PDF)
Ask The Expert - December 2017 (PDF)
Ask The Expert - September 2017 (PPT)
Ask The Expert - June 2017 (PPT)
Ask The Expert - April 2017 (PPT)
SBIR/STTR funding for Alzheimer's disease (PDF)
What does pharma look for in evaluating companies as potential partners? (PDF)


AABC / ISTAART webinars

May 2018
National Institute on Aging Small Business Award Program
October 2017
Biotech Innovation in New Therapeutic Approaches to Alzheimer's Disease

May 2017
Cytox Intro


The AABC newsletter welcomes new members to the Alzheimer's Association Business Consortium, shares pre-competitive news about clinical developments and lists upcoming events of interest to Alzheimer's disease researchers and to biotechnology, diagnostics, medical device companies and other organizations developing Alzheimer's treatments.

Quarter 3 2022 newsletter
Quarter 1 2022 newsletter
Quarter 3 2021 newsletter

Quarter 2 2021 newsletter
Quarter 1 2021 newsletter
Quarter 4 2020 newsletter
Quarter 3 2020 newsletter
Quarter 4 2019 newsletter
Quarter 3 2019 newsletter
Quarter 2 2019 newsletter
Quarter 1 2019 newsletter
Quarter 1 and 2 2018 newsletter
Quarter 3 2018 newsletter
Quarter 3 2017 newsletter
Quarter 2 2017 newsletter
Quarter 4 2017 newsletter
Quarter 3 2016 newsletter
Quarter 2 2016 newsletter
Quarter 4 2015 newsletter


Maximizing the Potential of Small Companies in Alzheimer’s Disease Research: Challenges and Opportunities (PPT)


Past events:
The AABC Translation Animal Models Group, chaired by Joseph Araujo, InterVivo Solutions, and facilitated by Rebecca Edelmayer, Alzheimer’s Association, in collaboration with MODEL-AD members held a think tank in Washington, D.C., Nov. 28-29, 2018. The think tank was a shoulder meeting to the Alzheimer’s Association Research Roundtable and was well attended. The agenda consisted of sessions addressing proteomics, genomics and metabolomics, modern behavioral models, and translational, experimental and operational issues. The think tank proceedings will be submitted for publication. View the guest logistics or agenda for more information.

Get more information

The AABC welcomes new members who are aligned in its commitment to research and innovation. To express interest in joining, email Dr. Codi Gharagouzloo, co-chair; Dr. Jake Donoghue, co-chair; or Christopher Weber, Ph.D., facilitator. 

For more information on the AABC, contact:

Christopher Weber, Ph.D.
Director, Global Science Initiatives
Medical & Scientific Relations
Alzheimer's Association
[email protected]