Our visitors and phone inquiries are often looking for reliable internet resources related to Alzheimer's disease. Below are links with descriptions highlighting practical resources you can print or download at no cost. The websites below contain more information than described here.

Alzheimer's Association

You are currently on the Alzheimer's Association website. Our site offers in-depth information on Alzheimer's disease, other dementias, caregiving and the latest information on Alzheimer's research we have funded from around the world. Our publications section cover all aspects of the disease and are free to download. Our I Have Alzheimer's section is for people living with dementia and offers tips and strategies to live your best life. Professional care providers, families and other visitors can access our practice recommendations for dementia care. The popular Brain Tour explains how the brain works and how Alzheimer's affects it in 15 languages. Alzheimer's Association TrialMatch® helps families locate clinical trials based on personal criteria. Information is available to visitors in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese languages.

Most Popular Alz.org Pages

Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR)

This website includes information for consumers on Alzheimer's disease from the National Institute on Aging. Notable is a collection of nearly 8,500 materials related to Alzheimer's disease. The database includes fact sheets, textbook chapters, journal articles, brochures, teaching manuals, directories, videos and other media, bibliographies, program descriptions, monographs, newsletters and reports that are available from a wide variety of sources through their home page. Resources are available in English and Spanish.

Alzheimer's Research Forum

Alzheimer's Research Forum is primarily geared toward researchers, but persons with Alzheimer's and families may also benefit. Detailed information on the genes and proteins implicated in Alzheimer's, reports that evaluate risk factors, therapies in Phase 2 clinical trials and beyond, news and more is available. Notable is the ability to find experts in the field of Alzheimer's research through their membership directory.

Alzheimer Store from Ageless Design

This online store carries a variety of products for the person with Alzheimer's. Consumers should investigate each resource to determine individual preference.

By Us For Us© Guides

PDF guides created through the Kenneth G. Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program (MAREP) at the University of Waterloo by persons with dementia for persons with dementia. The guides are practical tools to help enhance well being and manage daily challenges.


Identify regularly updated federally and privately funded clinical research with human volunteers. Locate information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, phone numbers and whether a trial is still recruiting. See our Why Participate page to learn more about participating in a clinical trial. 

Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA)

FCA's Resources section includes fact sheets, newsletters, research studies, reports, policy briefs and more available for anyone needing information on caregiving or developing programs and services for families. The Family Care Navigator provides a state-by-state, online guide to identify programs and services nationwide for anyone involved in caregiving. Materials are available in Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Taglog and Vietnamese.

A Quick Look at Alzheimer’s

Five brief films on Alzheimer's disease written by David Shenk, produced by Alliance Aging Channel and MetLife, and narrated by David Hyde Pierce are available online. They are: What is Alzheimer's disease?, An urgent epidemic; Race to the cure, A message for newly diagnosed patients and their families, and The genetics of Alzheimer’s.

National Institute on Aging – Research Resources

The National Institute on Aging manages a database of NIA-supported scientific resources, datasets, informatics resources, and more. Search by keyword, resource type or division of the NIA or Intramural Research Program (IRP).

National Library of Medicine – MedlinePlus

MedlinePlus is a goldmine of health information. It also has extensive information about drugs, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive patient tutorials and health news. Pages related to dementia and dementia care are Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers and Memory. The information is also available in Spanish: Enfermedad de Alzheimer, Demencia, Proveedores de atención al paciente con Alzheimer, Memoria. Additionally, MedlinePlus email updates deliver messages about new sites on MedlinePlus along with other notices. You can sign up to receive general emails covering all health topics, or you can sign up to receive emails about specific topics, like Alzheimer's disease.